Magic Carpet

In nearly every country, the percentage of people over 60 is growing faster than any other age group. An interesting experiment by Intel-QE Care Innovations, a joint venture between two of the world’s largest corporations, focuses on “aging in place” devices and technologies designed to enable seniors to live at home as long as possible. The company has prototyped a technology called the Magic Carpet. It’s a literal carpet, outfitted with sensors and accelerometers, that can be installed in the home of an elderly person. For the first week, the…

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Business Technology Spending Market will Reach $330.4 billion by 2017

Power in technology purchases shifting from CIO to CMO, CFO, VP of Sales and line executives International Data Corporation (IDC) today announced a new report, “United States Technology Buyer Forecast by Vertical: 2012 to 2017”, which  examines technology spending by 12 buying segments and how this new technology purchasing behavior differs by 15 vertical industries. According to the new report, the business technology spending market will grow at 6.9% 5 year CAGR from $236.6 billion in 2012 to $330.7 billion by 2017, while enterprise IT grows slowly at a 1.9% 5 year…

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Battle of the big screens: Can phablets replace the smartphone?

There’s no denying smartphones are getting bigger, but will so-called phablets ever catch on for business? The phablet is not quite a smartphone, not a tablet, yet it is gaining momentum as people begin replacing two devices for one. The Samsung Galaxy Note family of devices and BlackBerry’s new Z30 serve as a prime examples of what you can expect to see in a phablet device. That’s not to say that devices such as Apple’s iPad and Microsoft’s Surface products are no longer in demand. More so that some users…

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Europeans Love Tapping for Everyday Spending

MasterCard® and Maestro® contactless transactions have more than tripled from 2012 to 2013 MasterCard (NYSE: MA) announced today that, over a one year period ending December 2013, it has grown its contactless footprint in Europe by expanding the number of countries where contactless cards are accepted.  Contactless is now available in 63 countries worldwide, and in 34 countries in Europe including 7 new countries in 2013: Azerbaijan, Finland, Ireland, Macedonia, Moldova, Montenegro and the Netherlands. MasterCard and Maestro contactless cards or devices have been issued by more than 220 financial…

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4 reasons Microsoft is a new company

The new Microsoft, under the leadership of Satya Nadella, is making some smart moves Today’s Microsoft is a new company. While it’s true that many of the changes announced under the leadership of CEO Satya Nadella were initiated under his predecessor, Steve Ballmer, it’s still clear that this isn’t the same old company: It’s barbecuing sacred cows and embracing smart new directions. Here are four surprising things Microsoft has embraced publicly in the past week or so that reveal a new and better company. 1. The iPad Four years ago,…

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IT Financial Transparency: Eyes Wide Open to Opportunity

EMC IT’s evolving financial transparency model is letting IT users see more than costs and billing details for the IT services they use. It is also opening their eyes to the opportunity to take control of those costs and free up funds for more strategic IT investments that will result in operating efficiencies, increase profitability and enhanced growth. For nearly four years, EMC IT has been transitioning our IT operation from a traditional centralized, cost-center based IT budget— where users had little or no information on the cost and value…

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2 Big Ways to Use Big Data with CRM

Big data is an ill-defined term. Everyone has his or her own definition and rationale why that definition is the best. From the perspective ofcustomer relationship management (CRM) systems, big data is best thought of as massive amounts of information not in the CRM database or the normal connections to other business applications. Big data systems include social media Web sites, product movement through radio-frequency tag tracking, machine performance at customer locations, and many other massive data stores that are difficult to access. There is a disconnect between big data and CRM. CRM systems are old—most…

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Benefits from Big Data Analisis

Each morning, an average of nine million packages arrive at FedE locations across the globe. The company never knows what will come through the doors each day, but by that evening those packages are speeding toward their destinations in as many as 220 countries and territories. How does the company that pioneered the use of Big Data to serve its customers do it? The answer can be traced to a statement, in 1978, by FedEx founder and chairman Fred Smith: “The information about the package is as important as the…

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European Parliament passes strong net neutrality law, along with major roaming reforms

It was a closely-fought contest, but Europe’s crucial telecoms package has passed through its first European Parliament vote, as have amendments that remove loopholes that would have clashed with the open internet. European fans of the open internet can breathe a sigh of relief: the European parliament has passed a major package of telecoms law reform, complete with amendments that properly define and protect net neutrality. The amendments (PDF) were introduced by the Socialist, Liberal, Green and Left blocs in the European Parliament after the final committee to tweak the package –…

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BYOD vs CYOD: Which is right for your business?

What is the difference between BYOD and CYOD and why should your organisation be sitting up and paying attention? The bring your own device (BYOD) phenomenon is sweeping the nation thanks in no part to an increasing array of shiny consumer products tempting the average business user. Whether it’s the latest tablet or all-singing-all-dancing smartphone, in our consumer lives we are spoilt rotten. As such, it’s no surprise we want and expect the business world to keep pace. This consumerisation of IT and tendency for the tech peeps to be…

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