
Telecoms – where will the money come from?

With the arrival of mobile saturation stagnation is occurring in telecoms revenue growth in most developed telecoms markets. Voice traffic is increasingly moving onto IP-based systems, which are either free or at very low cost to its users. This is taking place on both the fixed and mobile networks. While in the case of corporate and government organisations nearly all fixed voice traffic has moved to IP-based systems, in the SME and consumer market this has not been the case. In that market long-distance calls are being partly moved to…

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Majority expects privacy to erode in years ahead

According to EMC’s Privacy Index, privacy isn’t dead, but consumers around the world are expecting it to erode over time. Eighty-one percent of consumers say they expect privacy to erode over the next five years, according to a study from EMC. EMC’s Privacy Index ranked countries by privacy and examined how much consumers are willing to give up for convenience. The report covered 15 countries and 15,000 consumers. The data is interesting given the Edward Snowden leaks and revelations about government snooping into social media, email accounts and instant messaging…

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One in Five Manufacturing Businesses Has Lost Intellectual Property within the Past Year

A survey of nearly 4,000 IT managers across 27 countries, conducted by Kaspersky Lab in partnership with B2B International, found that 21% of manufacturers suffered a loss of intellectual property to security breaches within the past year. Malware was the most common cause of data loss incidents for manufactures, although other types of cyber-incidents – including software vulnerabilities, theft of mobile devices, network intrusion, etc. – were also cited as sources of intellectual property leakage. In a highly competitive global economy, businesses rise to leadership or sink into bankruptcy on…

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What’s Next for Small Business CRM?

Software Advice conducted an online survey of 304 customer relationship management (CRM) software users representing businesses across a range of industries and sizes in order to determine how satisfied they are with their current CRM solution, what areas of CRM technology they plan to invest in and what they feel are the greatest benefits and difficulties of implementing their system.   Photo:Todd West Media In this online survey of CRM software users, Software Advice found that small businesses were the most likely to be satisfied with their current CRM system. According to CRM…

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Security spending to rise

Worldwide spending on information security will reach $71.1bn in 2014, an increase of 7.9% over 2013, with the data loss prevention segment recording the fastest growth at 18.9%, according to the latest forecast from Gartner. Total information security spending will grow a further 8.2% in 2015 to reach $76.9bn. Gartner said the increasing adoption of mobile, cloud, social and information (the Nexus of Forces) will drive use of new security technology and services through 2016. “This Nexus of Forces is impacting security in terms of new vulnerabilities,” says Gartner research…

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Cloud service providers to spend on analytics

The network analytics market is estimated to grow from $487.9m in 2013 to $1672.5m in 2018, at a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 27.9% from 2013 to 2018. In the current scenario, the telecommunications vertical continues to be the largest user for network analytics solutions, but cloud service providers are a rising share.’s study “Network Analytics Market [(On Premise, On Demand) says Global Network Operators are expected to have the highest market share compared to all other end-users, as these are the ones who triggered the need for…

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Wireless Broadband vs Fixed Broadband – The Story Continues

This never-ending story is used by opportunistic telcos and their lobbyists to confuse the issue in order to gain regulatory or political advantage. The debate is now raging again in the USA. In an attempt to talk down their monopolistic position in the market the three telcos — and this time in particular, Comcast — are claiming that real competition does in fact exist in the American broadband market, citing competition from the mobile 4G LTE services as an example. There is certainly no doubt that people have embraced mobile…

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Working with public cloud: How to tackle the challenges

As the take-up of public cloud services grows, so organisations are figuring out how to fit these services into their existing IT infrastructure and business processes. Despite the many attractions of on-demand utility computing from an external provider, integrating these services can throw up a mess of technical, regulatory, licensing, billing and other complications for firms. Here are some of the approaches that major organisations have taken to managing a mix of in-house and public cloud services. The public cloud: What is it good for? Public cloud is all about…

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Kaspersky Lab: Keep online accounts safe with secure passwords

Internet is being used nowadays for a wide range of activities, including online banking, online shopping, online research and also for socialization purposes. In the last few years there’s been a massive growth in the number of social networking sites such as Facebook, MySpace, etc., where users can share all kinds of personal details as well as music, pictures, and videos. Unfortunately, the more personal details users make available online, the more exposed they are to online identify theft. Identity theft is when a criminal steals confidential personal data that…

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Crouching Yeti: an ongoing spying campaign with 2 800+ highly valuable targets worldwide

New malicious tools, an expanded list of victims, and other features related to the Crouching Yeti campaign, also known as Energetic Bear. Kaspersky Lab announces the release of comprehensive in-depth analysis of the malware and command and control (C&C) server infrastructure related to the cyber-espionage campaign known to the company’s Global Research and Analysis Team (GReAT) as the Crouching Yeti. The campaign’s origins go back as far as to the end of 2010; while today it is most definitely still alive – and targeting new victims on a daily basis. Nicolas…

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