Create real-time graphs with these five free web-based apps

The sky’s the limit when it comes to building flashy dynamic charts and graphs. Here are five free tools that will deliver great results.  Creating graphs is easy — grab your favorite spreadsheet program, enter some data, and use the chart wizard. What’s more difficult is creating those graphs to be published on the web based on dynamic data. Plenty of options are available to graph hard-entered data, but few are capable of dynamic generation. In this edition of Five Apps, we take a look at five free web-based tools…

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Research: 70 percent using or evaluating a hybrid cloud solution

There is plenty of interest in hybrid cloud solutions, and Tech Pro Research’s latest survey uncovers favored vendors, benefits and potential roadblocks. Public and private cloud offerings range from personal services such as Microsoft OneDrive, Google Drive, and Apple iCloud to enterprise-focused services such as Microsoft Azure, Google Cloud Platform and Amazon Web Services. Public cloud solutions are usually subscription-based services where the hardware or software, or both, are rented and where IT departments purchase storage, compute and/or networking on an as-needed basis. Many companies have been wary of adopting…

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Lenovo delivers strong growth and hits milestones in first quarter 2014/15

Hong Kong, August, 2014 – Lenovo Group today reported results for its first fiscal quarter ended June 30, 2014, with quarterly revenue of US$10.4 billion, an 18 percent increase year-over-year while quarter pre-tax income increased 22 percent year-over-year to US$264 million. Earnings grew 23 percent year-over-year to US$214 million, while the Company hit market share and financial performance milestones. Lenovo maintained its number three ranking in smart connected devices growing shipments by 28 percent year-over-year. It has been the world’s largest PC maker for five consecutive quarters with its highest-ever…

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Gartner’s 2014 Hype Cycle for Emerging Technologies Maps the Journey to Digital Business

2014 Hype Cycle Special Report Evaluates the Maturity of More Than 2,000 Technologies. 2014 Marks 20th Anniversary of the Gartner Hype Cycle The journey to digital business is the key theme of Gartner, Inc.’s “Hype Cycle for Emerging Technologies, 2014.” As the Gartner Hype Cycle celebrates its 20th year, Gartner said that as enterprises set out on the journey to becoming digital businesses, identifying and employing the right technologies at the right time will be critical. Gartner’s 2014 Hype Cycle Special Report provides strategists and planners with an assessment of the…

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Smartphones deemed most important tool for running a business

Top young entrepreneurs say their smartphone is as important to running a business as a car or laptop The country’s top young entrepreneurs think their smartphone is one of the most important tools for running a business. So claims research by Xero, which showed 52 per cent of the 500 young people questioned thought their smartphone was as important as a laptop or car to help their business grow. Some 51 per cent said a laptop was the most important tool in their toolkit. A desktop PC was only favoured by…

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Kaspersky Lab Global Survey Shows 18% of Government and Defense Organizations Encountered a Targeted Attack Within the Past 12 Months

In a survey of nearly 4,000 IT managers across 27 countries, Kaspersky Lab has not only found that targeted attacks on the rise year-over-year, but also identified the business sectors most likely to be targeted. Globally, 18% of organizations in the Government & Defense sector reported at least one targeted attack within the past 12 months. The rate of targeted attacks reported within the Government & Defense sector was the highest rate reported in this year’s survey, a notable increase from the global average of 12% reported across all business…

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Why Is Software So Hard To Develop?

Software is hard to develop for many reasons: We must figure out what to do, do it, and ensure that we have done it correctly. Last week, I said that I was going to discuss invariants. I’ve decided to put this topic off for a while because when I started thinking about it, I realized that it was just a small part of a much bigger subject. Invariants are an intellectual tool that we can use to increase our confidence that a program is working as we expect. However, it…

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Brand journalism – Why marketers need it now

Brand journalism? Yes, it’s true; at first glance, this does seem an oxymoron. It would be easy to assume brand journalism is just a fancy euphemism for content marketing, a new ‘buzzword’ designed to remodel old marketing techniques in a seemingly more credible package. But brand journalism is much more. All cynicism aside, brand journalism is not the same as content marketing. Spotting the crucial differences between the two is the first step to understanding what it is and how you can receive work as a brand journalist and how…

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6 Battle-Tested Tips to End Email Overload

It’s a fact. Email is making us slower, less productive and even dumber. The average employee now checks email 36 times an hour, spending a full 13 hours a week reading, deleting, sending and sorting emails. Each time we’re distracted with an email, it takes an average of 16 minutes (yes, 16 minutes) to refocus on the task at hand. But the news gets worse: Workers who check email frequently suffer a 10-point drop in IQ, the equivalent of missing an entire night’s sleep. Our email inboxes, once-upon-a-time the private…

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Can this startup kill off the supermarket?

Farmigo, a small farm-delivered food service, has an audacious dream: It thinks it can help wipe out the likes of Kroger and Albertsons. Benzi Ronen thinks that the supermarkets’ time is up. And his company is just the thing to speed up its demise. “Our goal is to make the supermarket obsolete from a fresh perspective,” Ronen says. Farmigo, his five-year-old 30-employee startup, sells produce and other products like milk and cheese purchased directly from farmers for 10%-20% less than equivalent grocery store items. He does it by shrinking the…

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