Digital Transformation Era Projects a Promising Future for Enterprise Applications Software, Says IDC

The Asia/Pacific excluding Japan (APeJ) Enterprise Applications (EA) software market posted a mediocre growth of 5.1% in 2013. Unlike 2012, when the EA market grew 9%, Asian enterprises were more cautious about their investment in 2013. Although organizations were keen in upgrading existing back-office applications to embrace the 3 rd platform technologies – cloud, analytics, mobility, and social – watchful spending strategy of customers and the ad hoc nature of deployments did not warrant for sustained growth in 2013. “The 3 rd platform technologies, especially cloud, will be a critical driver for enterprise applications…

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10 key facts about microservers

Microservers may not make sense in every environment, but they’re playing a role in providing space/cost savings and handling customized workloads for certain business needs. Here’s a look at where the technology is now and where it’s headed.  By Scott Matteson June 23, 2014,   Microservers may not make sense in every environment, but they’re playing a role in providing space/cost savings and handling customized workloads for certain business needs. Here’s a look at where the technology is now and where it’s headed. Microservers offer benefits such as low power…

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Top 5 ERP Systems for Improved Productivity

Companies that are ambitious and aspire to grow continuously need to ensure a proper coordination between various support functions like finance, marketing, human resource management, manufacturing, purchase, inventory management and others. Apart from a well coordinated operation, the laid out systems should make certain that necessary information is available to the decision makers in the organization for effective and quick decision making. ERP systems are widely implemented across organizations to achieve these objectives. The use of Enterprise Resource Planning systems was, at a point in time, restricted to only larger…

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Top 5 ERP sistema za poboljšanu produktivnost

Kompanije koje su ambiciozne i koje teže da rastu moraju stalno da osiguravaju pravilnu koordinaciju između raznih funkcija za podršku kao što su finansije, marketing, upravljanje ljudskim resursima, proizvodnja, prodaja, upravljanje inventarom i tako dalje. Osim koordinirane operacije, postavljeni sistemi moraju da obezbede da su neophodne informacije dostupne donosiocima odluka u organizaciji zarad bržeg i efikasnijeg donošenja odluka. ERP sistemi se naširoko koriste u organizacijama kako bi se ostvarili ovi ciljevi. Korišćenje Enterprise Resource Planning sistema je ranije bilo ograničeno na samo nekoliko organizacija, ali s vremenom su ERP sistemi…

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5 Essential Elements of an Email Security Strategy

A comprehensive approach should protect both the email infrastructure and users. Entities seeking to secure their email environments should establish a comprehensive strategy designed to protect both the email infrastructure and its users from the wide variety of mail-related threats. The challenge facing technologists is that they must create a flexible solution that meets the organization’s security and operational needs in an effective and efficient manner while respecting financial constraints. Well-designed security strategies use a toolset that embraces five important characteristics: Technology enablement: While managing user behavior is important, the…

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Five apps that leave Google Contacts Manager in the dust

Google’s contact management tool is pretty lame, especially for business users. Luckily, third-party apps are available to give you the power and convenience you need.  If you’re a heavy user of Google Apps, you know that the Google Contacts Manager isn’t the greatest tool in an otherwise outstanding toolbox. In fact, the contact manager trapped within Google Docs is so bad, I use it only as a Gmail address book. How this has been overlooked for so long escapes me — considering how the business landscape lives and dies by…

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Windows wars? The Android and Chrome OS Alliance

Can Google’s Rebel Alliance of Android and Chrome OS finally dent Microsoft’s Windows Evil Empire? I expect we’ll see this desktop operating system war start in late 2014. Linux may rule in most places — supercomputers, mobile, and Wall Street to name a few — but the Windows empire has still held on to the desktop, despite Windows 8.x’s failure to grab marketshare quickly. Now there’s new hope: At Google I/O, Sundar Pichai, Google’s head of Chrome and Android, said during the opening keynote that Google will be giving Chrome…

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Why is Windows Phone outselling iPhone in 24 countries?

During 2013, Windows Phone managed to overtake iPhone in 24 countries across the world. Almost all of these countries are located in Latin America, Central & Eastern Europe, Africa & Asia. Windows Phone apps are now available to more users than iOS apps in countries like India and Nigeria where a huge number of people are purchasing smartphones for the first time. The reason why Windows Phone has become popular in emerging markets is because of its lower pricing. On average, iPhones cost twice as much as Windows Phones which are equal in pricing to Android. Competitive pricing and Nokia’s…

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10 administrative skills every IT manager should have

Technical knowledge is only part of the IT manager skill set. It’s also essential to be able to support the team, anticipate and resolve problems, and run interference when political issues arise.  IT pros tend to bristle at the idea of administrative skills, which many perceive as sitting in an office instead of doing work that really needs to be done. Nevertheless, administrative skills play a major role in getting IT work done. These skills are indispensable for IT managers, who constantly walk a line between enabling their staffs to…

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How much disruptive innovation does your flash storage rig really need?

Our technology world is fascinated by disruptive innovation. Every tech startup says its new technology is disruptive and therefore it is bound to succeed. So it is with all-flash arrays which can answer data requests in microseconds, instead of the milliseconds needed by disk drive arrays. Startups such as Pure Storage, SolidFire and Violin say they have best-of-breed products in the networked storage array category because they are all-flash with software designed from the ground up to control their arrays. They provide flash speed at roughly the cost of the…

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