Everything you need to know about Microsoft’s new CEO Satya Nadella

Microsoft names Satya Nadella as its new CEO. Here’s the lowdown on his salary, career history and his management potential. Microsoft has chosen long-time employee Satya Nadella as its new CEO, bringing to a close its five-month search for Steve Ballmer’s replacement. The engineer has worked for Microsoft since 1992, when he left Sun Microsystems. Critics consider him a “safe” choice for a company which some claim is in urgent need of a radical management change, as the PC buying slump continues to bite. Despite dominating the PC landscape for…

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Nest acquisition: Where next for ‘new’ Google?

In the adorable 2008 Pixar film Wall-E, much of the plot centres on the corporate behemoth that is Buy n Large. The company is the “world leader” in – to pick just a few – aerospace, agriculture, the media, food, science, infrastructure and transport. But it didn’t start out that way. At first, BnL just sold yogurt. And in 1998, Google just did search. These days, it’s the biggest player in internet advertising. It’s a company that sends balloons into near-space, and kits out entire cities with underground cables. It’s…

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Google to buy Nest Labs for $3.2bn

Google has announced plans to buy thermostat maker Nest Labs for $3.2bn (£2bn), continuing a string of recent acquisitions. Google said the cash deal was expected to be completed in the next few months. California-based Nest Labs was founded by two former Apple executives. It produces a thermostat capable of learning user behaviour and working out whether a building is occupied or not, using temperature, humidity, activity and light sensors. The firm will continue to be run by chief executive Tony Fadell and maintain its own distinct identity, Google said in a…

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Home is Where the Skype Is…

22/05/2013 in Workspace Blog by Blake Shepard It’s interesting to witness the ways in which Skype adoption within certain industries can positively impact business. We’ve talked about it in relation to themedical field and foreign-language instruction. Real estate is another industry seeing benefits from Skype.  We hear it’s helping business run more efficiently and allowing realtors to satisfy client demands more easily and cost-effectively. Here’s an example of what I mean: Dan Prud’homme, a broker in vacation hot-spot Hilton Head Island, South Carolina,recently explained to the trade publication CRN, that selling second homes to remote…

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Ford: Mulally not leaving for Microsoft

Alan Mulally might not be the next Microsoft CEO after all. By David Goldman  @DavidGoldmanCNN Shares of Microsoft fell 4% on Thursday after Edsel Ford II, the great-grandson of founder Henry Ford and a company board member, told Bloombergthat Mulally will stay on as CEO through next year. Ford (F, Fortune 500) and Mulally have said as much before. “This is completely consistent with what we’ve been publicly saying for the past 13 months,” said Jay Cooney, a Ford spokesman. “Alan Mulally’s plan is to stay on through the end of 2014.” Related: See the new Ford Mustang…

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Stokholm “najpametniji” grad na svetu

Kompanija Ericsson objavila je novi Networked Society City Index izveštaj, u kojem je rangirala gradove širom sveta na osnovu njihove zrelosti na polju informaciono-komunikacionih tehnologija (IKT), odnosno uticaja IKT na ekonomiju, društveni i razvoj životne sredine. U ovom izveštaju dodati su novi parametri, poput 4G i online transakcija, u odnosu na prethodne studije. Rezultati istraživanja su pokazali da postoji značajna veza između razvoja IKT i razvoja samih gradova i života njihovih stanovnika. Na prvom mestu liste, nalazi se glavni grad Švedske, Stokholm, kojeg prate London i Singapur. Među prvih deset…

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Sigurnosne strategije protiv hakerskih napada

Stručnjaci kompanije Trend Micro upozoravaju kompanije da budu oprezne i preuzmu proaktivne korake kako bi zaštitile važne kompanijske podatke. Nezavisno od veličine kompanija i njene geografske lokacije, napadači koriste iste strategije pri hakerskim napadima. Prvo treba pronaći ranjivost i analizirati je. Ove ranjivosti mogu biti tehničke prirode u vezi sa programom, ali problem može nastati i zbog neupućenosti zaposlenih. „Hakerski napadi koje smo dokumentovali u prošlosti pokazuju zajedničku strategiju koju koriste napadači – bilo da se radi o New York Times novinama ili maloj kompaniji iz Azije, početna tačka je uvek bila…

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