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Top 10 Android tablets for the enterprise

1. Google Nexus 9 One of the best tablets in Google’s list of “pure” Android devices, the Nexus 9 was the first tablet to run Android Lollipop and is likely to be first in line for updates. It is available in 16GB or 32GB capacity.  Image: Josh Miller/CNET 2. Sony Xperia Z3 Tablet Compact The Sony Xperia Z3 Tablet Compact is a small tablet with lots of power. The thin tablet is also waterproof and easier to carry around than its 10-inch predecessor.  Image: Andrew Hoyle/CNET 3. Dell Venue 8…

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IDC Government Insights Provides Guidance for Redefining the Citizen Experience

By 2020, more than 50% of government agencies with direct citizen engagement missions will direct at least 25% of their programmatic budget to 3rd Platform technologies and IoT, according to IDC Government Insights. To achieve the intended benefits of the citizen experience, innovation will not only come in the form of new digital channels but also as a more comprehensive approach to redefining the citizen experience. IDC Government Insights has developed the IDC MaturityScape on citizen experience (IDC #GITS04X) to help senior digital government leaders create a road map to better align the organization’s…

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The next big bubble of Silicon Valley

Today, 22nd March is the World Water Day and I couldn’t have picked a better day to rant my heart out. It was reported last week that California has just one year left before it runs out of water. Bay Area has survived many bubbles from dot-com bust to post 911 instability to great recession of 2007 but not sure if it will be able to withstand the next big bubble of valley running out of water. It may sound gruesome but the drought has already arrived and here to…

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How can big data improve businesses?

Study from the University of Texas uncovers sales and productivity improvements following the use of big data analysis. Use big data analysis to improve your business You might be unaware, but there is certainly a great amount of data hiding in the corners of your business offices. Data sheets with customers contacts and last purchases, for example on your logistic department. QR-codes or RFID tags safe-keeping the level of your stock on your storage building. Log in records resting on your servers, showing which pages of your website attract more traffic and when they…

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Is CEM a CRM Killer?

The new millennium is the era of customer experience. The digital age has revolutionized how customers and companies interact with one another, and the advent of social networking is forcing organizations to change their approach to relationships. Word of mouth can make or break a business as customer sentiments are publicized and shared with millions of people worldwide with the click of a button. As businesses grow, many find that traditional customer relationship management (CRM) is no longer enough to ensure customer loyalty and advocacy. To keep relationships strong and…

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5 Things Mobile Virtualization Will Do

 Mobile virtualization will change the way we use our smartphones, and add security where it’s greatly needed. … Mobile virtualization is one of the biggest new words in the IT lexicon. Essentially, this design concept brings the benefits of enterprise hardware virtualization to the portable mobile phone. But what does mobile virtualization do, really, and why are people so excited about it? With mobile virtualization, smartphone makers can allow for multiple operating systems to run on one device. Rather than forcing all design elements to interact with the “bare metal hardware” and a single,…

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5 Things You Need to Know About Bandwidth-Hungry Apps

Why is it that every day, new apps appear on your firm’s network? Some are downloaded onto employee desktops; others are on their mobile devices. Have you ever wondered why every day at 2 p.m. your browser windows paint the screen slowly or the network feels slow? As your employee base becomes younger and more “Web savvy,” they listen to Internet radio and stream videos; the appearance of Web Real-Time Communications and more videoconferencing on top of streaming are putting your network’s performance in peril. VoIP and UC Require Bandwidth We…

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Want to secure your social info? Facebook shows you how

Facebook today launched 11 interactive guides and how-tos to help users secure their social information. The new guides, which can be found on the Facebook Privacy Basics site, are designed to help users understand the best ways to create a strong password, how to handle suspicious messages and what to do if someone takes over the user’s account. Available in 40 languages, the guides also touch on how the world’s largest social network responds togovernment requests for user information and the steps Facebook takes to protect your information. “Since last November, millions of people have visited…

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Energy companies targeted by Laziok Trojan

Malware enters infrastructure, then sends in more advanced viruses to carry out attacks A Trojan is targeting firms in the energy industry, infiltrating systems in a bid to gather information about a company’s operations. The malware, discovered by researchers working at Symantec, found that most of the attacks involved victims in the petroleum, gas and helium industries, especially those based in the United Arab Emirates, which accounted for one in four attacks. According to a blog post by Christian Tripputi, security response manager at Symantec, Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, and Pakistan each accounted…

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Turning Customer Support into Future Sales Opportunities

Customers always appreciate good customer service: it makes them feel like they got more than they paid, like they’re more than a number. Salespeople should be trained to ask the right questions, provide good insight to customers, and respond to changes to improve customer support. This article covers these and other ways in which you can turn great customer support into sales. Responsive Support Customers demand timely support, and when they’re on the phone, in your store, or browsing your site, they may have questions that require immediate answers. The…

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