Taking Temperatures: IT Markets Are Warmer Than You Think in EU CEE

At first glance, the IT markets of EU member states in Central and Eastern Europe appear to be as cool as the rest of the European Economy. The rule of thumb that IT markets typically exhibit twice the growth rate of GDP has fallen by the wayside, at least for 2015. Prague, January 16, 2015 – Depending on the source, GDP growth forecasts for most CEE EU member states run from around 2% to 3.5% (with Croatia a notable exception, where growth is expected to be flat). Regionally, IT spending is expected to rise…

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25 Technology Trends for 2015 – 2016

Hello from CES 2015! I’ve joined tens of thousands of brands, geeks, startups, investors, and technology enthusiasts from around the world to see what the future, or this year, holds for consumer electronics. While in Las Vegas, I’m also presenting at Brand Innovators “Mega Trends” event at the Four Seasons. I was asked to share some of the biggest trends that brands and consumers need to know heading into the new year and beyond. This list represents technologies and trends that I’m paying attention to and also high level thoughts around them.…

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Make Your ERP More Powerful By Going Mobile

Increasingly, ERP is going mobile. Driven by customer demand and new technology, more and more ERP users are discovering the benefits of having their ERP connections instantly available no matter where they are. With broader reach and more flexibility, ERP becomes an even more powerful tool for managing a business proactively. Mobile connectivity offers many advantages in ERP. Some of those advantages are immediately obvious. Others are not-so-obvious but very real. On-site service personnel are obvious beneficiaries. Having your office in your pocket is extremely to repair and maintenance staffers.…

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New Frontier Group and IDC survey digital in CEE-63% of Executives in CEE see opportunity in digital transformation

New Frontier Group wanted to know: how fit are companies in Central Eastern Europe (CEE) really for the digital economy? Are established businesses in CEE embracing change or are they rather being bulldozed by startups and young entrepreneurs? How much do the companies operating in the region invest in digital technologies and how are these resources being managed? Photo credit: JDHancock/Flickr In order to answer our questions and better serve the CEE market with our digital transformation consultancy services, we partnered with the research firm IDC and conducted a series of interviews with high-ranked executives in Czech Republic,…

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ERDF and Schneider Electric consolidate their smart grid partnership

By developing a flexibility management system for the electricity grid, ERDF and Schneider Electric are demonstrating their commitment to the growth of smart grids. As part of a partnership launched over a year ago, ERDF and Schneider Electric have joined forces to develop and test innovative software and solutions for medium and low voltage grid management, for the design and monitoring of substations of the future and to facilitate the increase in renewable generation. The increasing integration of variable renewable energies in addition to load management initiated by external operators…

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Welcome to 2015: A look ahead as Microsoft faces perhaps its biggest year, ever

In many ways, 2014 was a year of survival for Microsoft.  With a new CEO, a newish “One Microsoft” mantra, a giant acquisition of Nokia’s phones businesses, the Xbox One, Microsoft Band, and even a surprising winner in the third generation of Surface, Microsoft spent 2014 setting expectations, re-aligning, and laying the groundwork for an even bigger year ahead. There’s no doubt, 2015 will be the year of Windows 10, and all its permutations.  While Windows 10 may finally deliver the Windows 8 we wanted all along, it will even…

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Sudo Command: Who Deleted My File?

Administrators of Unix/Linux environments are occasionally asked by users about files which have mysteriously disappeared. They hear something like, “One of my important files was deleted! I have no idea how it happened – who did this?” There are two possible answers that the administrator can give in this situation. Typically, for organizations without user activity recording, the answer will be, “Sorry, I have no way of knowing.” However, for organizations with acomprehensive user activity monitoring solution in place, the answer will be something like, “Joe Smith used his sudo authority to…

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CIOs: Don’t fall prey to these 10 common mistakes

Today’s CIO faces a broad spectrum of challenges that require business acumen, tech savvy, and strong leadership skills. It’s a tricky balancing act, but knowing about the pitfalls can help.   Image: iStockphoto.com/KatarzynaBialasiewicz CIOs run highly technical disciplines and usually come from technical backgrounds. Their strength is in knowing the details of IT work. This gains them respect in the eyes of their staff and enables them to discuss the details of projects. Nevertheless, IT management responsibilities have changed substantially over the past few years. As more IT processes become automated,…

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4 Old ERP Concepts Dressed Up for the New Year

To stay competitive, smaller vendors of enterprise resource planning (ERP) solutions need to follow the development paths of their larger rivals, whether they like it or not. Here are some of the innovations that are being refurbished this year: Cloud ERP acceptance will continue to grow in all industries, including, finally, manufacturing, although it has a way to go before it reaches the level of on-premise deployment in terms of sale numbers. But the cloud deployment model implies slow profitability growth for vendors, significantly slower than for the traditional on-premise variant.…

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