Kaspersky Lab Survey Discovers What Types of Data-Loss Keep Industrial IT Managers Awake at Night

According to a Kaspersky Lab survey of 3,900 IT professionals worldwide[AK1] , industrial and production businesses have security priorities that are drastically different from service-based industries. Industrial sectors can value (or under-value) certain types of data far differently than other businesses, and even amongst different industrial sectors, security priorities can vary greatly. The adage that “no two businesses are alike” is especially true when comparing businesses in corporate and services sectors (e.g., Education, E-Commerce, Healthcare) to industrial businesses. Kaspersky Lab’s survey classified respondents across 17 different business sectors, including the Manufacturing…

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Is Big Data Getting Too Big? The Data Obesity Crisis

We probably all know that obesity is becoming a big (pardon the pun) problem in the developed world and just becoming bigger. While we obviously need food to survive, Westerners in particular have access to so much food now that it has become unhealthy—and we are dying early as a result. It’s a mindset that more is always better — more food, more choices — but that’s not always the case. This is a similar phenomenon to the one I see with businesses and governments that are amassing data (big…

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Five affordable page layout tools

If your company is looking for a page layout app that won’t break the bank, check out these five low-cost tools.  There are plenty of reasons to have page layout software at the ready. Your business will need professional correspondence, marketing materials, flyers, and much more. But for some businesses, dropping the cash for a page layout app isn’t feasible. Fortunately, for those needing affordable solutions, there are plenty of page layout tools to choose from. I have gathered five such tools that should meet the needs for most users.…

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What happens to Windows 7 on October 31, 2014?

After October 31, 2014 – Microsoft will no longer provide its PC partners or systems builders with copies of Windows 7 Home Basic, Home Premium and/or Ultimate to preinstall on new PCs. This means that OEMs will be able to continue to sell their stock of PCs running these versions of Windows 7, but they won’t be allowed to replenish their supply. (Last year, on October 31, Microsoft ceased selling shrink-wrapped copies of Windows 7 at retail.) That looming October 31, 2014 deadline does not apply to PCs preinstalled with…

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Alert Logic opens doors of European Security Operations Centre in Wales

Wales selected as location of choice for new set-up Houston based security-as-a-service cloud provider Alert Logic has opened its new Security Operations Centre (SOC) in Cardiff after securing £1.15 million in funding from the Welsh government and having the support of a talented pool of exceptional local graduates. The new European SOC, along with a UK datacentre just down the road in Newport, comes as business is increasingly moving to the cloud and in need of cloud security services which recognise the increased awareness of compliance issues required post Snowden.…

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HP debuts Moonshot server with Xeon chip

Hardware giant expands portfolio to include Intel chips, and increases application support with XenApp HP has broadened its Moonshot portfolio with two new Intel-based server modules and four application-specific offerings. The m710 server module features an Intel Xeon E3-1284L v3 processor (which boast four Haswell cores) with built-in Iris Pro graphics on a P5200 GPU. HP said the integrated GPU negates the need for discrete graphics processor cards and allows customers to host any application in the datacentre. This module has been tuned for application delivery and video transcoding, according…

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The Importance of Connectivity and Interoperability in the Internet of Things

The Internet of Things is upon us and has the potential to dramatically change our lives at a dizzying pace. From wearable technology to fully connected homes and vehicles, Gartner believes that the IoT market will grow from 0.9 billion units today to 26 billion units by 2020. This is an almost 30-fold increase, which will diversify the industry and result in a $1.9 trillion global market value. Although it sometimes appears that IoT is all about connecting Things to the Internet its real value comes from merging and analyzing…

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Is the Digital Economy Still a Capitalist Economy?

This is the first of a series of excerpts from The Digital Economy, 20 Anniversary Edition by Don Tapscott, released October 24, 2014. Too bad the term “socialism” was appropriated by Karl Marx, because it would be an apt description of today’s emerging social economy. The social media revolution is transforming the way we create wealth, work, learn, play, raise our children, and probably even the way we think. A billion people use social media daily. We have social networking, social business, social government, social entertainment, and social everything. Today’s…

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Bill Gates or Steve Jobs? Who will we remember in 50 years?

Two of the greatest technological and entrepreneurial leaders of this age are Steve Jobs and Bill Gates, but how will we remember them in terms of their legacy of leadership and entrepreneurship? Who will we remember in years to come for their legacy to future generations? Gates has the advantage of still having time to shape his legacy, whereas Jobs’s deeds are now cast in stone and open to interpretation. Maybe it’s a little unfair to set this up as a boxing match between two entrepreneurial heavyweights, but my question…

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‘George Orwell was an OPTIMIST. Show me a search history, I’ll show you a perv or a crook

Hm. Do optimists really have more fun? QuoTW Google researchers came clean about a nasty little security vulnerability they discovered in SSL 3.0 this week, though not before El Reg first caught wind of it. The backdoor into the ancient old encryption standard can only be used if you can intercept the victim’s packets, potentially with a malicious Wi-Fi link, but once they’re in, hackers can slurp your cookie data. Security expert Robert Graham explained: POODLE (Padding Oracle On Downgraded Legacy Encryption) allows the hacking of clients – your web…

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