‘POWER from AIR’ backscatter tech now juices up Internet of Stuff Wi-Fi gizmos

Researchers who last year demonstrated they could harvest stray RF signals to power RFID tags have scaled-up their technology to power Wi-Fi devices. The University of Washington team is pitching their ultra low-power “backscatter harvesting” technology with the inevitable Internet of Things (IoT) tag, since if it could be commercialised the technology would help remove the battery from the battalions of sensors that IoT advocates imagine will one day rule our world. In previous research, the group got RFID tags to represent binary 1 and 0 states by either absorbing…

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How Technology is Shaping the Next Wave of Journalism

Glass, sensors, and drones are changing the way people tell stories. Advances in technology mean advances in all forms of communication, which mean changes in journalism. With a plethora of gadgets and high-end technology hitting the market so rapidly, it’s more important than ever for journalism curricula in higher education to evolve with the times. In a recent post published on Nieman Journalism Lab, Texas State University Associate Journalism Professor Cindy Royal wrote: If you are a journalism educator or media professional, I have news for you: We work in tech.…

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EMC Joins Puppet Supported

Disclaimer: EMC is a proud member of the Puppet Supported Program. These are my thoughts and not necessarily those of my employer.   I work at EMC which is a federation of well-known brand names; VMware, RSA, Pivotal & EMC II, and they all have the same goal: the Software-Defined Data Center. It’s become a real buzzword these last two years where anyone who’s anyone within the IT industry is embracing the SDDC; all our competitors and partners, and our joint customers, and I’d like to explain my take on it.…

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Gartner Says Service Providers Hold the Key to Their Success in the Digital Era

Digital Business Incompetence Will Cause 25 Percent of Businesses to Lose Market Position As enterprises move to become digital businesses, opportunities are arising for service providers to play a crucial role in the digital era, according to Gartner, Inc. Service providers should begin to align and adapt their organizational structure, capabilities, offerings, and engagement and delivery models to thrive in this new digital environment. “All signs suggest that organizations have just begun to tap into the potential of digital business; however, organizations that don’t accelerate their digital business transformation will…

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SCARY! New Website Reveals Google Forgotten Search Results

Not all that long ago it was announced that Google was to comply with the right for people to “be forgotten” within search results. As soon as the form was released, Google was flooded by an overwhelming response and thousands of people had some or other page or result that they wanted removed. It should also be noticed that other search engines are following in Google’s footsteps by designing a similar method to “be forgotten”. However, a new website has already surfaced in an effort to reveal these hidden results!…

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Best Windows Phone apps for 2014

We round up the best and most popular Windows Phone apps to help you decide what’s hot and what’s not for 2014 While not quite matching Android or iPhone when it comes to dominating the mobile market, Windows Phone has a loyal following, and is certainly popular within the business community. Of late, Microsoft has made the OS much more business-focused than it used to be, helping it wrest market share from one-time rival BlackBerry, and it has also been designed to work with Windows-based IT infrastructures. 1. iTelMobileDialer URL: http://www.revesoft.com/…

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Telenor issues challenge to youth at next summit

Fornebu – August 4, 2014 – Telenor Group, in collaboration with the Nobel Peace Center, invites youth to explore how mobile and digital communication can bring social change and create opportunities for all. Telenor Group will host its Youth Summit, in association with the Nobel Peace Center, from Dec. 9-11, 2014, in Oslo. The event follows last year’s successful inaugural gathering (Telenor Youth Summit 2013 alumni and recommendations) and coincides with the Nobel Peace Prize festivities taking place the same week in Norway. The summit will bring together youth between…

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Here’s how Microsoft plans to take over NFL sidelines

Are you ready for some football? Because Microsoft most certainly is. To go along with the introduction of a new NFL app for Xbox One and Windows 8, the software giant has also revealed how it plans to help professional coaches and players during games. As part of an ongoing partnership with the National Football League, which began last year and was reportedly worth $400 million over five years, Microsoft created what it calls a Sideline Viewing System. Naturally, the company’s own hardware is a key component to this; the new system is powered by Surface Pro…

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Internet of things big security worry, says HP

HP found 25 vulnerabilities per device including everything from TVs to thermostats to home alarms and scales About 70 percent of Internet of things devices—including sensors and connected infrastructure—have vulnerabilities that could be exploited, according to Hewlett-Packard. HP’s data is based on it Fortify division and a scan of 10 of the most popular Internet of things devices. HP found 25 vulnerabilities per device. These devices included TVs, Webcams, thermostats, remote power outlets, sprinklers, door  locks, home alarms, scales and garage openers. The findings, assessed based on the OWASP Internet…

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Things with RFID chips in them will carry this logo in Europe, because privacy

The logo is designed to make it clear to consumers when the goods they’re carrying contain an RFID smart chip, and to bring retailers and healthcare and banking companies out of a legal “gray zone” when it comes to data protection. The European Commission has revealed a new logo for items that include radio frequency identification (RFID) tags, to keep them compliant with EU data protection rules. The scheme is voluntary, but technology trade organizations like Germany’s BITKOM have signed up to promote its use. RFID tags, used in everything…

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