Top 5 ERP sistema za poboljšanu produktivnost

Kompanije koje su ambiciozne i koje teže da rastu moraju stalno da osiguravaju pravilnu koordinaciju između raznih funkcija za podršku kao što su finansije, marketing, upravljanje ljudskim resursima, proizvodnja, prodaja, upravljanje inventarom i tako dalje. Osim koordinirane operacije, postavljeni sistemi moraju da obezbede da su neophodne informacije dostupne donosiocima odluka u organizaciji zarad bržeg i efikasnijeg donošenja odluka. ERP sistemi se naširoko koriste u organizacijama kako bi se ostvarili ovi ciljevi. Korišćenje Enterprise Resource Planning sistema je ranije bilo ograničeno na samo nekoliko organizacija, ali s vremenom su ERP sistemi…

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5 Essential Elements of an Email Security Strategy

A comprehensive approach should protect both the email infrastructure and users. Entities seeking to secure their email environments should establish a comprehensive strategy designed to protect both the email infrastructure and its users from the wide variety of mail-related threats. The challenge facing technologists is that they must create a flexible solution that meets the organization’s security and operational needs in an effective and efficient manner while respecting financial constraints. Well-designed security strategies use a toolset that embraces five important characteristics: Technology enablement: While managing user behavior is important, the…

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Microsoft bumped the OneDrive cloud storage for all Office 365 accounts to a whopping 1 TB

Microsoft raised the roof on its OneDrive storage this week. The new OneDrive capacities are still limited, but for most Office 365 users, the new OneDrive plans basically amount to unlimited online storage. In April, Microsoft increased the OneDrive limit for Office 365 business accounts from 20 GB to 1 TB. Now, Microsoft is providing that same 1 TB of online OneDrive storage for all Office 365 accounts. Office 365 Personal and Office 365 University accounts will each receive 1 TB of OneDrive storage. Office 365 Home accounts will get…

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Schneider Electric Integrates StruxureWare DCIM Solution with HP ITSM for Converged Management of IT and Facilities

Schneider Electric, a global specialist in energy management, today announced at HP Discover that the integration of its Data Centre Infrastructure Management (DCIM) solution, StruxureWare for Data Centers, with HP’s Universal Configuration Management Database (UCMDB), is complete. Enabling an increased level of communication between IT Service Management (ITSM) and DCIM platforms, this integration provides data centre managers with more cohesive management of data centre assets. “Today’s data centre managers are increasingly challenged by enduring siloes between IT and facilities that lead to a breakdown in communication, making it difficult to take…

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BYOD: One in three companies still don’t get it

Staff want to use their own laptops, tablets and smartphones — and will find a way of doing it whether the IT department knows or not, according to new research. Meanwhile, businesses rather than consumers are showing most interest in wearable tech. IT departments are still failing to get to grips with the concept of bring your own device (BYOD) — forcing staff to go it alone, according to research from tech analyst Ovum. BYOD cuts across all industries, said Adrian Drury, consulting director at Ovum. “The big consumerisation challenge for IT…

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Get going on the web – anywhere, anytime – with new Opera Mini on iOS

Oslo, Norway – Introducing Opera Mini 8 – the biggest update for the Opera Mini mobile browser on iPhone and iPad to date. Available for free in the Apple App Store today, Opera Mini 8 will get you to anywhere on the web faster, cheaper and with a brand new native UI look for iOS 7. Opera Mini 8 lets you choose from three different modes of exploring the vast world of the web: •           Opera Mini mode offers huge compression of web traffic, up to 90%, and data savings.…

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Five apps that leave Google Contacts Manager in the dust

Google’s contact management tool is pretty lame, especially for business users. Luckily, third-party apps are available to give you the power and convenience you need.  If you’re a heavy user of Google Apps, you know that the Google Contacts Manager isn’t the greatest tool in an otherwise outstanding toolbox. In fact, the contact manager trapped within Google Docs is so bad, I use it only as a Gmail address book. How this has been overlooked for so long escapes me — considering how the business landscape lives and dies by…

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Tablets speed up vehicle inspections in Finland

Protacon became the market leader in vehicle inspection systems in next to no time Protacon, a Finnish information system supplier, launched the Muster vehicle inspection system this spring. Since then the system, which runs on any mobile and tablet device, has considerably speeded up vehicle inspection procedures. Thanks to agreements with two large vehicle inspection chains, Protacon became Finland’s leading supplier of vehicle inspection systems. Protacon’s Muster vehicle inspection system, which runs on mobile devices and tablets, has received a very warm welcome from Finnish vehicle inspection stations. Inspection results…

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Toshiba Testing Experimental System to Monitor Infrastructure Integrity in UK

Toshiba Corporation today announced that it has developed an innovative means for monitoring and detecting deterioration and damage, including cracks, in bridges and tunnels, and that it is undertaking proof of concept testing of a prototype of the system in the UK in partnership with the Centre for Smart Infrastructure and Construction (CSIC) at the University of Cambridge.  The testing is taking place in a 2km utility tunnel in London owned by National Grid plc, and involves capturing high-resolution images of the tunnel lining, using the data to construct 3D…

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Windows wars? The Android and Chrome OS Alliance

Can Google’s Rebel Alliance of Android and Chrome OS finally dent Microsoft’s Windows Evil Empire? I expect we’ll see this desktop operating system war start in late 2014. Linux may rule in most places — supercomputers, mobile, and Wall Street to name a few — but the Windows empire has still held on to the desktop, despite Windows 8.x’s failure to grab marketshare quickly. Now there’s new hope: At Google I/O, Sundar Pichai, Google’s head of Chrome and Android, said during the opening keynote that Google will be giving Chrome…

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