Why is Windows Phone outselling iPhone in 24 countries?

During 2013, Windows Phone managed to overtake iPhone in 24 countries across the world. Almost all of these countries are located in Latin America, Central & Eastern Europe, Africa & Asia. Windows Phone apps are now available to more users than iOS apps in countries like India and Nigeria where a huge number of people are purchasing smartphones for the first time. The reason why Windows Phone has become popular in emerging markets is because of its lower pricing. On average, iPhones cost twice as much as Windows Phones which are equal in pricing to Android. Competitive pricing and Nokia’s…

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Are You Ready for an All-Mobile World?

Sometime in 2017, there will be more mobile devices than people on this planet. That might sound surprising, but it’s merely the tipping point in an accelerating trend. Smart CIOs and IT departments are working hard to stay ahead of the curve.  What will an all-mobile world look like? More people in more places will be connected. Many of these mobile users will be making their first-ever connections to the mobile world from developing countries in the Asia Pacific region, the Middle East and Africa. In fact, by 2018, mobile users in Asia will grow to…

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The Smartphone Lies at the Heart of the Wearable Revolution

While many are thrilled about the potential of wearable technology, it’s important to remember that the smartphone currently holds the keys to the kingdom. The wearable-technology market has exploded with new products in the past two years. In fact, if you tried to wear all the gadgets at once, you would probably have trouble walking, much less running. At the center of all this body technology sits one key piece: your smartphone. Goofy images of dangling Fitbits and Pebble watches aside, the wearables market should reach about $1.5 billion in revenue…

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Kaspersky Lab patents technology that ensures confidentiality of corporate information

The United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) has granted patent 8739287 to Kaspersky Lab for a technology that detects threats in corporate IT infrastructure without compromising confidential information. Not all threats can be detected using locally installed solutions – some of them require more extensive analysis. To do this, suspicious files are delivered to a special infrastructure operated by the security vendor. This infrastructure has more resources to carry out comprehensive analysis in isolated conditions. However, most companies use their IT infrastructure to store confidential data. Often it is…

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10 administrative skills every IT manager should have

Technical knowledge is only part of the IT manager skill set. It’s also essential to be able to support the team, anticipate and resolve problems, and run interference when political issues arise.  IT pros tend to bristle at the idea of administrative skills, which many perceive as sitting in an office instead of doing work that really needs to be done. Nevertheless, administrative skills play a major role in getting IT work done. These skills are indispensable for IT managers, who constantly walk a line between enabling their staffs to…

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Looks like Facebook Home is unofficially dead

Facebook has reportedly dismantled its team working on Facebook Home, its Android homescreen replacement. According to a statement provided by Facebook, however, Home is still supported by the company. Facebook Home, Facebook’s home screen replacement app for Android, appears to be dead, with The New York Times reporting Friday that Facebook has dismantled the Facebook Home team. A Facebook spokesperson has denied the report. Facebook Home started as an Android skin for Facebook’s unsuccessful phone, the HTC First, which was both the first and the last phone to come with Facebook Home pre-installed. Facebook later rolled…

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Telenor Norway modernizing fixed line business

(Fornebu, 25 June 2014) Telenor Norway has selected Tata Consultancy Services Ltd (TCS) as its partner to modernize and simplify the fixed network operations. The goal is to improve customer experience through reduced complexity and faster deliveries. Telenor Norway has launched a long-term effort to modernize and simplify products, processes and related IT systems in the fixed area. On 24th June, Telenor Norway signed a contract with TCS as a partner. “This is one of the largest change programs in recent history for Telenor Norway. The agreement with TCS represents…

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How to watch hacking, and cyberwarfare between the USA and China, in real time

You’ve no doubt heard countless stories about how the internet is rife with hackers and ruled by malware-peddling malcontents. You’ve probably read dozens of paragraphs on how the next great theater of war will be online rather than offline, and how China and the US are already battling each other for cyber supremacy. The truth is, though, unless you’ve actually been hacked, it’s hard to appreciate just how real the prospect of cyberwar actually is; after all, the effects of hacking are mostly invisible to the untrained eye, with the exception of very-high-profile database breaches.…

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Google Drive for Work to give users unlimited cloud storage

Unlimited storage available for $10/user/month Google has added a raft of features to its popular Drive service – offering up unlimited cloud storage, beefed up encryption and refreshed mobile apps. Google Drive for Work will cost $10/user/month (£6.60 in the UK). Unlimited storage is the headline feature, together with the ability to store individuals files of up to 5TB in size. “We want to take the hurdles out of data management. Adding infrastructure to support more users and data is a massive IT burden. By making storage unlimited – businesses…

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MongoDB launches on Azure and Google Compute Engine

Open source database debuts Microsoft and Google clouds MongoDB users will now be able to run the NoSQL database on both Microsoft Azure and Google Compute Engine. The open source NoSQL database will be available as a managed service on both public clouds, it announced at its MongoDB World conference in New York. It already runs on AWS and is also available as a cloud service on IBM Softlayer. According to  MongoDB vice president of Global Channels business development Vijay Vijayasankar, the offering means that its customers “will enjoy the…

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