321 Free Tools for Teachers – Free Educational Technology (3)

15 Free Podcast Tools For Teachers   Ardour  – Ardour is a free, fully-featured digital audio workstation, similar to other software like ProTools, Nuendo, Sonar and Logic, and capable of replacing analog or digital tape systems. Available for Mac OS X, Linux. Audacity – Audacity is free, open source, cross-platform software for recording and editing sounds. Audacity is available for Windows, Mac, GNU/Linux and other operating systems. BlogAmp – Blogamp is a web-based audiocasting solution that combines a rich media on-demand experience with podcasting. Blogamp’s robust administration utility and content manager…

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Intel unveils ‘Web 2.0’ software suite

Is Intel ready to be a software company? San Francisco – The chip giant on Tuesday announced it has put together a collaboration software suite that it will offer to small and medium-size businesses via its resellers. Intel held a press conference at the Web 2.0 Summit here to give details of the move, alongside open-source support provider SpikeSource and other companies. Called SuiteTwo, the package will include software from Six Apart, Socialtext, NewsGator and SimpleFeed. These are small software companies that provide applications for blogs, RSS feeds, wikis and social networking. All…

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Print anything from anywhere with Google Cloud Print

Printing at home is dead simple, and most of us don’t think twice about it. But it sure is a heck of a lot easier when you can send a print job from any device, anywhere in the world to your printer at home. A slew of cloud-connected printers let you do this, but even if you’re stuck with a printer that doesn’t talk to the web you can get in on the print-anywhere fun with the help ofGoogle Cloud Print. This free service from Google has been around since 2011, when it…

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Real-time Stats: Bringing the Cyberworld into Focus

Moscow, 21 May 2014. – Kaspersky Lab has made a host of unique statistical data available that shows the real-time picture of the cyberworld and its inhabitants. The company’s new portal gathers together statistical information from all over the world on what people are doing on the web, what devices they use and what threats they face. The kaspersky-cyberstat.com site pays particular attention to cyber threats: what malware is currently most active and what harm it can cause to users and their devices. The portal presents ratings of the most widespread…

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Internet Explorer 8 vulnerability unpatched after seven months

Internet Explorer 8 remains the most used browser version in the world, so it should come as a surprise that a vulnerability discovered back in October 2013 has remained unpatched.  The vulnerability was made public earlier this week by Hewlett-Packard’s bug bounty program when Microsoft failed to address the problem. Hewlett-Packard’s Tipping Point Zero-Day Initiative (ZDI) is a bounty program that rewards researchers who discover and report vulnerabilities so that they can be fixed by Microsoft.  The ZDI gives Microsoft 180 days to address a vulnerability before they make the…

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321 Free Tools for Teachers – Free Educational Technology (2)

19 Free Text To Speech Tools For Teachers AnnouncifyListen to your web. After Announcify conquered Android™ phones, it’s now here to announcify your life at Google Chrome. Announcify reads out loud every website you want. For example, if you’re too tired but still need to study one more Wikipedia entry, Announcify can help your tired eyes relax. BalabolkaBalabolka is a Text-To-Speech (TTS) program. All computer voices installed on your system are available to Balabolka. The on-screen text can be saved as a WAV, MP3, MP4, OGG or WMA file. The…

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10 Things to Look for in a Cloud Data Backup Service

Investing in a cloud data backup service is one of the best decisions any business owner can make. A natural disaster could hit your town and destroy your systems, an employee could spill a drink on her computer and destroy it or someone could steal your equipment, but backing up data in the cloud makes these unfortunate events much more bearable. Cloud data backup stores existing data in an off-site server, making it available anytime, anywhere you need it. Data is frequently synced or updated, mirroring your system in real time.…

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How internal social networks boost workplace innovation

Your business may already be tapping into social networks to analyze data and make real-time adjustments. But it’s time to turn the tables and bring the same people-powered network to your office. While the issue raises productivity concerns—will employees spend more time socializing than doing work—social tools are actually shown to increase output. Businesses applying this trend to their work environments are finding that working like a network spurs more creative thinking, idea-sharing, and ultimately, business innovation. Transparency across departments You may not need, or want, to know everything that’s…

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321 Free Tools for Teachers – Free Educational Technology (1)

Would you be interested in the ultimate list of free tools for teachers? At the following post you will found 321 Free Tools for Teachers separated in 18 educational technology categories. Enjoy! Do you support Free Technology for Teachers? If Yes, I highly encourage you to share this Free Educational Technology Resource with fellow teachers interested in implementing Free Technology in Classroom. I am a great supporter of Free Educational Technology. This is why I created a list of 321 Free Tools for Teachers separated in the following 18 categories: 18 Free Tools To Create Infographics For Teachers 19…

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LinOTP by LSE is now available with all features as Open Source

Germany, Weiterstadt, 21.05.2014) LSE LinOTP – a vendor-independent product for two-factor authentication and one-time password methods (OTP) – will be made available by LSE, Leading Security Experts GmbH, as an open source solution with all current features included. At the annual AusCERT Information Security Conference in Australia, and in conjunction with a Red Hat tutorial about the internal deployment of LSE LinOTP Enterprise Edition, LSE Leading Security Experts GmbH (LSE), a member of the MAX21 Group (MAX21 Management und Beteiligungen AG), will announce the expansion of its open source strategy.…

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