The women who created the technology industry

The original computer scientists The first computer programmers and most celebrated mathematicians throughout history were women. In honor of Women’s History Month, here are the oft-forgotten, influential tech pioneers. In this photo from 1946, two of the first programmers, Esther Gerston and Gloria Gordon work with the ENIAC computer.  Ada Lovelace, first computer programmer Ada Lovelace, born in 1815 to famed poet Lord Byron and his wife, is known as the first computer programmer. When renowned mathematician Charles Babbage began working on his “Analytical Engine,” she served as the key interpreter,…

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CEE pubcasters team up

The Croatian and Slovenian public broadcasters HRT and RTV Slovenije have signed an agreement on cooperation in the exchange of programming – both radio and TV – produced by the two parties. According to SEEbiz, it spans content on culture, entertainment and the arts, along with children’s documentary and informative content. This is the first agreement that formally regulates cooperation between the two broadcasters since the dissolution of the Yugoslav national broadcaster JRT in the 1990s. However, they have already worked closely together for many years on many levels. Most…

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Cloud Operating Model Transformation

In my previous blogs I have discussed setting up a Self Service Portal and what aService Catalog and Chargeback model look like. Let’s now look at the implementation of an IT operating model to support the Cloud way of delivering IT services. Both EMC and VMware have published articles on transforming IT organizations, processes and skills in preparation to deliver IT as a Service. Both articles are good references for the topic we are discussing here: Capitalizing on Cloud: Preparing people and processes for IT’s organizational challenge Organizing for the Cloud: Providing additional value to the business…

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From the Internet to the Outernet: Living in digital reality

Guest commentary by Sven Gabor Janszky, trend researcher and Scientific Director of 2b AHEAD ThinkTanks The digital natives of our society, in other words those who have grown up with digital technologies, such as computers, the Internet, cell phones, and MP3 players, are now becoming adults, much like the technologies that have shaped this generation. This digital maturity becomes even more obvious when we take a closer look at Augmented Reality (AR). Additional information on people or buildings within computer games was available long before this term ever became popular.…

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No, Silicon Roundabout isn’t dying: But it might be growing up

London’s tech startup scene is bigger than just one neighbourhood now – and that’s a very good thing.  It’s suddenly fashionable to say that Silicon Roundabout is on its last legs, so it was with impeccable timing that last week London’s mayor Boris Johnson swung by the neighbourhood last week to talk up the capital’s tech prospects. “We are seeing extraordinary things happen particularly here in London. We’ve got more tech businesses here in London than any other city in Europe,” he said at the event to launch a new office…

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Cisco’s $1 billion cloud computing plan

Networking giant unveils plans to end Amazon dominance in cloud. Cisco launched plans to offer cloud computing services, pledging to spend $1 billion over the next two years to enter a market currently led by the world’s biggest online retailer Amazon, the Wall Street Journal reported. Cisco said it will spend the amount to build data centers to help run the new service called Cisco Cloud Services, the Journal reported. Enterprise hardware spending is dwindling across the globe as companies cope with shrinking budgets, slowing or uncertain economies and a…

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Gartner Says European CRM Budgets Remain Strong Despite Economic Uncertainty

Lack of a Clearly Defined CRM Strategy is the Biggest Threat to Successful Customer Initiatives. CRM Trends to Be Discussed at the EMEA Customer Strategies &Technology Summit 2014, April 28-29 in London Despite continuing economic uncertainty, customer relationship management (CRM) budgets remain strong, according to a recent survey of European organizations by Gartner, Inc. The survey found that 50 percent of the 102 respondents planned to increase spending on CRM initiatives in 2014, with an average increase of 2.5 percent over 2013 budgets (see Figure 1). The survey, conducted in…

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The Future of Enterprise Mobility

 A pair of mobility experts from 451 Research and Yankee Group talks about what’s in store for the enterprise in terms of mobility trends and developments. To better understand the immediate future of enterprise mobility, CIO Insight recently spoke separately with Chris Hazelton, research director of mobile and wireless technologies at 451 Research, and Chris Marsh, a principal analyst of enterprise mobility at Yankee Group. The pair discussed mobility trends, device vendors, mobile ROI, and related developments for the enterprise in 2014 and beyond. Here is an edited version of the one-on-one…

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Data: The new currency for business

If you’re not exploiting data to its full potential you’ll soon find yourself broke, down and out in the corporate world. Revenue has always been an accurate measure of business success. The number of pounds, Euros, dollars – or your currency of choice – added to the bottom line denoted your exact status in business terms. Those with big bank balances had more money to invest and spend on attracting and retaining customers. Special offers could be marketed and customer loyalty gained as a result. Those that struggled financially could…

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10 reasons why Chromebooks make good sense for business

Chromebooks may have gotten off to a slow start, but they’re gaining ground fast. See what benefits they might offer your business.  The Chromebook was initially met with scorn and mockery. That has changed. Running on a foundation of Linux and selling at a price point nearly anyone can afford, the Chromebook has finally hit its stride. As of this writing, the top two best-selling laptops on Amazon are: Acer C720 Chromebook Samsung 11.6 Chromebook In fact, six of the top 20 best-selling laptops are Chromebooks. There’s a reason for…

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