Gartner Says 70 Percent of CIOs Will Change Their Technology and Sourcing Relationships in the Next Two to Three Years

Digital Business Will Reshape the Service Provider Landscape Key Issues Facing IT Services Industry to Be Examined at Gartner Sourcing & Strategic Vendor Relationships Summits 2014, June 2-3 in London and September 10-12 in Orlando, Florida. Torrential changes will reshape the service provider landscape over the next several years as organizations struggle to adjust to a digital future, according to Gartner, Inc. A recent global survey of CIOs by Gartner’s Executive Programs found that 70 percent of CIOs will change their technology and sourcing relationships in the next two to…

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25 years of World Wide Web.

What pops into your head when thinking of the World Wide Web? Words such as boundless, huge and even trampoline might cross your mind, yet the first adjectives it got were “vague but exciting.” Quite far from what we think of it today, on its 25th birthday.  A confusion still surrounding the World Wide Web is that it is often mistaken for the Internet. The Internet is the network of computers that circulates data around the globe, whereas the Web is one application that delivers data in form of webpages. Before Sir…

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Ukrainian channels disappear in Crimea

All Ukrainian on-air broadcasters have lost their audience in Crimea in the past week, according Valentyn Koval, the general manager of M1 and M2 TV channels. In a statement provided to Broadband TV News, he adds that new management of retransmission centres across Crimea switched off all Ukrainian TV channels and re-routed signals of Russian TV channels to transmitters instead. “I should add that most Ukrainian channels used their own transmitters and antennas, so this re-routing was made without any agreements and we consider our property is stolen or “annexed””. Koval…

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HP Extends Enterprise Mobility Solution to Meet Government-level Security Requirements

New flexible service, hosted on HP’s FedRAMP-authorized cloud, simplifies device and app management to accelerate government mobility, improve workforce productivity PALO ALTO, Calif. — HP Enterprise Services today announced a new service designed to help accelerate the U.S. public sector’s adoption of mobile technology to drive workforce productivity, while securing IT assets. The growth in adoption of high-bandwidth mobile services presents the opportunity for a new era of digital government. Government employees expect broad and seamless access to business and personal applications and data from their device of choice. In…

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Unified Threat Management Was Main Driver of the EMEA Security Appliance Market in 2013

LONDON and PRAGUE, 18 March 2014 — According to the International Data Corporation (IDC) Europe, Middle East and Africa Quarterly Security Appliance Tracker, 4Q14 vendor revenue for the EMEA security appliance market reached $688.5 million, a 0.4% decrease over the same quarter a year ago. Shipments declined by 8.7% year on year with 185,019 units shipped. For 2013, the security appliance market vendor revenue totalled about $2.5 billion, representing a 2.4% increase over 2012. IDC currently forecasts the security appliance market to reach nearly $4.2 billion in value by 2018,…

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Banks to pay Microsoft millions to keep cash machines running Windows XP

April deadline looms large but 95 per cent of all ATMs still run the ancient OS. Banks around the world are set to stump up millions of pounds to Microsoft in a bid to keep their cash machines running after support for the venerable operating system runs out in April. According to reports by Reuters, only a third of cash machines running will have upgraded to Windows 7 by the April deadline. There are around 2.2 million machines worldwide and currently 95 per cent of them run XP. The move to…

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Bitcoins – digital currency

The exchange currency Bitcoins is being used more and more often as a means of payment on the Internet, whether in online shops or for web services. However, even institutions like the environmental organization BUND accept donations In this new digital currency. In fact, customers can even pay at bars in Berlin In so-called Sitcom Kiez. Bitcoins are bank independent and therefore expected to form an extremely stable, globally accepted currency. They are protected by a digital signature and shown in their owner’s Bitcoin wallets after they have been exchanged…

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Smartphone gamers help out with cancer research fight

Citizen scientists help cut time taken on cancer research from six months to one. Smartphone gamers have helped Cancer Research UK shorten the time it takes to analyse DNA for signs of cancer from six months to one. Last month, Cancer Research UK launched smartphone game Play to Cure: Genes in Space. While the game looks much like a shoot ’em up in space, it actually analyses DNA for signs of cancer. Players have to guide a spaceship through an asteroid belt to collect cargo called “Element Alpha”. Cancer Research…

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IT trends in 2017

The IT analysts at Gartner have analyzed and summarized 70 IT future trends until the year 2017. The analysts’ Insights that the social media bubble would burst In 2014 and that the development of mobile applications would exceed the development of PC applications by 2015 are of particular interest here. Furthermore. IT departments are to delegate more and more of their responsibilities to other departments by the year 2015. After all, in times of increasing IT penetration, IT projects are becoming business projects and the CIO has to hand over…

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US government to end formal relationship with ICANN

The NTIA plans to let its domain-name contract with ICANN expire in late 2015, its administrator says The U.S. National Telecommunications and Information Administration will end its formal relationship with the Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers in late 2015, with ICANN developing a new global governance model, the agency said Friday. The NTIA plans to let its contract with ICANN to operate key domain-name functions expire in September 2015, while requiring the organization to develop a new global Internet governance model, NTIA administrator Lawrence Strickling said during a press conference.…

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