
Kingston Technology Remains Among Top Private Companies in 2024

Kingston Technology Company, Inc., a world leader in memory products and technology solutions, announced today it landed the #29 spot on Forbes’ list of America’s Top Private Companies for 2024. With over 20 years proudly as No. 1 top third-party supplier of DRAM modules in the world, and another year as #1 for SSDs in the channel Kingston represents as the only “Technology Hardware & Equipment” company in the top 100. While these outside acknowledgements are determined by revenue or units shipped, they are the result of something else. “Built…

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ChatGPT: 32% of university students admit to using weekly

Since ChatGPT’s launch in November 2022, AI development and usage has been an increasingly prevalent topic within the education sector, prompting debates around its benefits, and potential misuses.  Interested to learn more about how students utilise ChatGPT in their studies, The Knowledge Academy conducted a survey of 2,000 UK students in order to identify how many students use ChatGPT, as well the most common uses. Martha Folkes, Head of Apprenticeships at The Knowledge Academy also provides expert comment on the findings. Key Findings: ChatGPT is most commonly used by students…

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Samsung Galaxy Tab A9 i Galaxy Tab A9+: Zabava i produktivnost osmišljene za svakoga

Samsung Electronics predstavio je svoju novu Galaxy Tab A9 seriju koja nudi neverovatno iskustvo korišćenja Samsung Galaxy tableta. Dostupna u dve veličine, ova serija kombinuje imersivni video i audio sa hiperbrzom povezanošću kojom podržava svakodnevne potrebe za zabavom i produktivnošću u prenosivom paketu. Modeli Galaxy Tab A9 i Galaxy Tab A9+ su savršen primer povezanog Galaxy ekosistema i nude istovremeno korišćenje više uređaja, kao i inovativne načine navigacije kroz digitalni svet za korisnike i njihove bližnje. „Smatramo da svako zaslužuje priliku da iskusi najnovije inovacije u tehnologiji tableta“, izjavio je…

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Pametni satovi menjaju način na koji spavamo – evo i kako

Gotovo 62% odraslih širom sveta prijavljuje nedostatak kvalitetnog sna, prema podacima Svetskog ekonomskog foruma. Koliko god ovaj problem bio čest, većina ljudi ne shvata ozbiljne posledice koje san može imati na naše zdravlje, posebno kada je reč o dugoročnim zdravstvenim problemima koji utiču na srce, imunitet, mentalno zdravlje i slično. Kako je san aktivnost koja podrazumeva opuštanje i prepuštanje kontrole, potrebni su nam alati i resursi kako bismo ispratili njegov kvalitet i probleme koji se mogu javiti. Da bi se poboljšala dostupnost alata za praćenje kvaliteta sna, brendovi kao što…

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Dvadeseta IT konferencija u znaku novih tehnoloških rešenja

Ovogodišnja (dvadeseta po redu) COMING-ova IT konferencija okupila je eminentne IT stručnjake kako iz Srbije i regiona, tako i iz celog sveta. Preko 500 posetilaca konferencije imalo je priliku da sazna kakve nas sve nove tehnološke inovacije očekuju u bliskoj budućnosti i šta je sve aktuelno na globalnoj IT sceni. U Beogradu je održana (sada već jubilarna) 20. COMING-ova IT konferencija, koja predstavlja jedan od najprestižnijih događaja u IT industriji u Srbiji i regionu. Konferencija je okupila renomirane stručnjake iz oblasti informacionih tehnologija, mrežnih tehnologija i IT integracije, a posebnu pažnju na konferenciji…

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Serbia is the 37th overall best country to remote work

The GRWI reveals the best countries for remote work, with Denmark, the Netherlands, and Germany being the leaders Serbia is the 37th overall best country to work remotely, according to new research by cybersecurity company NordLayer. Last year, the company created the Global Remote Work Index (GRWI), which reveals the best and worst countries to work remotely in terms of four different criteria: cyber safety, economic safety, digital and physical infrastructure, and social safety. This year, NordLayer evaluated 108 countries compared to 66 last year. Here are the top 10…

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Otkrivena ozbiljna ranjivost WordPress dodatka koji je instaliran na više od 30.000 veb sajtova

U dodatku za WordPress „Abandoned Cart Lite for WooCommerce“, koji je instaliran na više od 30.000 veb sajtova, otkrivena je ranjivost koja „omogućava napadaču da dobije pristup nalozima korisnika koji su napustili svoju korpu, koji su obično kupci, ali i drugih korisnika visokog nivoa kada su ispunjeni pravi uslovi“, navodi Wordfence čiji su istraživači otkrili grešku. Praćen kao CVE-2023-2986, ovaj bag je ocenjen sa 9,8 od 10 za ozbiljnost u CVSS sistemu bodovanja. On utiče na sve verzije dodatka. Dodatak Abandoned Cart Lite for WooCommerce, prema svojim podešavanjima, šalje obaveštenje kupcima koji…

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Mobile Phones Made 59% of Total Web Traffic Last Year, almost 10% More than in 2021

Mobile internet traffic has almost doubled in the last eight years, with close to two-thirds of web traffic coming from mobile devices. According to data presented by, mobile phones made 59% of total web traffic last year, or nearly 10% more than in 2021. Mobile`s Share of Web Traffic Continued Growing while Laptops, PCs, and Tablets Saw a Double-Digit Drop Almost 7.4 billion people, or over 90% of the world`s population, own a mobile phone. This enormous user base has helped mobile phones to become the number one device…

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The SIM turns 30

30 years ago, Giesecke+Devrient (G+D) delivered the world’s first commercial SIM card to a telecommunications company in Finland. At the time, hardly anyone could have imagined the success this smart card would achieve. But growth did not stop there – further innovations are on the horizon and the success story will continue. The IoT sector in particular is rapidly driving the SIM evolution. The SIM card connects the world and stores data securely – this fundamental basis has not changed in the last 30 years, even though the range of…

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Recharging connectivity for the developing world

Product design firms join forces to develop a ground-breaking new solar powered mobile phone charger to help unconnected countries get on the digital highway It is estimated that around 700m people with access to a mobile phone do not have power, including 300m in India alone. Two product design companies, A2E and Wideblue, along with tech start-up BuffaloGrid, have come up with a solution for this problem by designing a mobile phone charging hub which has internet connection and can charge multiple phones at one time with power supplied by solar panels. This…

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