
Samsung Galaxy Tab A9 i Galaxy Tab A9+: Zabava i produktivnost osmišljene za svakoga

Samsung Electronics predstavio je svoju novu Galaxy Tab A9 seriju koja nudi neverovatno iskustvo korišćenja Samsung Galaxy tableta. Dostupna u dve veličine, ova serija kombinuje imersivni video i audio sa hiperbrzom povezanošću kojom podržava svakodnevne potrebe za zabavom i produktivnošću u prenosivom paketu. Modeli Galaxy Tab A9 i Galaxy Tab A9+ su savršen primer povezanog Galaxy ekosistema i nude istovremeno korišćenje više uređaja, kao i inovativne načine navigacije kroz digitalni svet za korisnike i njihove bližnje. „Smatramo da svako zaslužuje priliku da iskusi najnovije inovacije u tehnologiji tableta“, izjavio je…

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Pametni satovi menjaju način na koji spavamo – evo i kako

Gotovo 62% odraslih širom sveta prijavljuje nedostatak kvalitetnog sna, prema podacima Svetskog ekonomskog foruma. Koliko god ovaj problem bio čest, većina ljudi ne shvata ozbiljne posledice koje san može imati na naše zdravlje, posebno kada je reč o dugoročnim zdravstvenim problemima koji utiču na srce, imunitet, mentalno zdravlje i slično. Kako je san aktivnost koja podrazumeva opuštanje i prepuštanje kontrole, potrebni su nam alati i resursi kako bismo ispratili njegov kvalitet i probleme koji se mogu javiti. Da bi se poboljšala dostupnost alata za praćenje kvaliteta sna, brendovi kao što…

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Dvadeseta IT konferencija u znaku novih tehnoloških rešenja

Ovogodišnja (dvadeseta po redu) COMING-ova IT konferencija okupila je eminentne IT stručnjake kako iz Srbije i regiona, tako i iz celog sveta. Preko 500 posetilaca konferencije imalo je priliku da sazna kakve nas sve nove tehnološke inovacije očekuju u bliskoj budućnosti i šta je sve aktuelno na globalnoj IT sceni. U Beogradu je održana (sada već jubilarna) 20. COMING-ova IT konferencija, koja predstavlja jedan od najprestižnijih događaja u IT industriji u Srbiji i regionu. Konferencija je okupila renomirane stručnjake iz oblasti informacionih tehnologija, mrežnih tehnologija i IT integracije, a posebnu pažnju na konferenciji…

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Otkrivena ozbiljna ranjivost WordPress dodatka koji je instaliran na više od 30.000 veb sajtova

U dodatku za WordPress „Abandoned Cart Lite for WooCommerce“, koji je instaliran na više od 30.000 veb sajtova, otkrivena je ranjivost koja „omogućava napadaču da dobije pristup nalozima korisnika koji su napustili svoju korpu, koji su obično kupci, ali i drugih korisnika visokog nivoa kada su ispunjeni pravi uslovi“, navodi Wordfence čiji su istraživači otkrili grešku. Praćen kao CVE-2023-2986, ovaj bag je ocenjen sa 9,8 od 10 za ozbiljnost u CVSS sistemu bodovanja. On utiče na sve verzije dodatka. Dodatak Abandoned Cart Lite for WooCommerce, prema svojim podešavanjima, šalje obaveštenje kupcima koji…

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A better way to work

You’re invited  On Thursday, January 29th Intel will reveal via webcast a better way to work by highlighting  the challenges of workplace transformation and how the latest Intel business processors will change how work gets done.  The webcast will broadcast a keynote presentation by Genevieve Bell, Corporate Vice President, Intel Labs Director for User Experience Research and Intel Fellow, who will discuss how technology advancements are often accidental, discovered in the midst of changing business practices. She will address how technology enables the scope and pace of that change. There…

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A dedicated network for the Internet of things

Technology supporting smart devices comes from French startup Sigfox ​Photo credits: Matthias ​Pastwa/Flickr ​​The challenges of connecting all devices ​Sigfox patent reduce maintenance costs for the internet of things According to Cisco​, 25 billion devices will be connected to the internet by the end of the next year. As this wasn’t already an impressive figure, the company adds that the number of interconnected gadgets will double already by 2020. But being able to receive and send data from our watches, smartphones, TVs, refrigerators, alarm systems and cars is harder than it seems at first sight.…

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Infosys expands cloud partnership with Microsoft

Cloud firm also makes deals with Hitachi and Huawei on next-generation infrastructure Infosys has widened its collaboration with Microsoft, which will see it offer training on the software giant’s cloud technology to engineers. India’s second largest IT company wants to establish a global centre of excellence for Microsoft Azure Machine Learning capable of training more than 1,000 engineers by the end of 2015. The firm said it would also build a broad range of predictive analytics offerings using Microsoft Azure Machine Learning to help enterprises adopt and use advanced analytic…

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What’s Hot in Cloud Now? Mission-critical Cloud Computing

The cloud is evolving and a new front – mission-critical cloud computing — is coming on strong. Once viewed skeptically for any use, the cloud is now being tapped to deploy mission-critical applications. Driven by customer demands, businesses are finding cloud computing necessary to remain competitive and viable in the business landscape. Traditionally the cloud has been used for less-critical applications like storage or testing and development. However, customers are increasingly requiring service delivery models to satisfy their needs – think online subscription-based software – and enterprises need to adjust…

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what companies should think of when considering to employ a ‘Big Data’ solution

Since its public introduction in 2008 by Nature Publishing Group editors, the term “Big Data” has become a buzz-word across the industry. Although this technology still remains hidden in the shadow of bigger problems that CIOs have to solve in everyday life, the widely adopted approach of handling humongous amounts of data, dubbed with the name of Hadoop, has gained quite a momentum. While the majority of IT specialists concentrate on such issues as operations, availability and implementation, not many think of the associated security risks. Here are few things…

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The End of SaaS?

It’s almost time to close down SaaS as a sector. Again. SaaS or “Software as a Service” businesses first appeared in the late 1990’s as Application Service Providers or ASPs. Part of the implosion of the Internet bubble in 2001 was the complete abandonment of the model because it made no money. After big investments in software services intended to replace on premises software for businesses (especially Microsoft and Oracle), ASP was retired. This time it’s different. SaaS is being overrun by data. I’ll explain, but first let’s review some…

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