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Why Business Should Always Be Personal

Commerce is no longer just about selling to customers—it’s about businesses earning the right to be part of a continuous stream of customer engagement.  According to new research from IT services provider Mindtree and Vanson Bourne, only 28 percent of decision-makers from about 900 companies surveyed said their organizations are investing in personalization features that consumers want, including improved search and compare/aggregate functions. Instead, they’re focusing on features such as shopping lists, wish lists and social features. The report, Winning in the Age of Personalization, also found that when businesses…

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IBM z13 Mainframe Brings Encryption To Hybrid Cloud

IBM has introduced a new mainframe for mid-size enterprises that’s designed to offer data encryption without slowing down system performance. On Tuesday, IBM announced that is rolling out its latest version of its z13 mainframe, which, according to the company, aims to attract mid-size enterprises with a hybrid cloud mainframe designed to encrypt data without slowing down the computer’s performance. The IBM z13s, expected to be available beginning next month, is designed to encrypt and decrypt data at double the speed of previous generations because the security is embedded into the hardware. Tom…

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The Internet of Things’ Big Software Challenge

More than half of major new business processes and systems will incorporate some element of the Internet of Things by 2020, according to Gartner. That means that every piece of software that supports those business processes and systems must be redesigned to accommodate the requirements of the rapidly evolving IoT market. Nearly every major independent software vendor is making moves to respond to the IoT challenge. Some are adding new functionality to their existing applications organically. Others are making acquisitions to enhance their established capabilities. Callidus Connects to Customers Callidus Software recently…

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CRM Planning

Start with your business needs, not your software’s features. A good CRM plan starts with your business and its needs. What are your business goals? What are your weaknesses where CRM can help? What do you need to do to make your business a success by your definition? Stated that baldly, it seems obvious. Unfortunately many businesses implementing CRM put the cart before the horse. Instead of starting with what their business needs, they start with the features of the CRM package they’re installing. At best this is suboptimal and at…

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Why personal networks are tomorrow’s internet of things

My ZDNet colleague and PC hardware expert Adrian Kingsley-Hughes wrote an interesting speculative piece today about Apple’s future and whether augmented and virtual reality hardware is where it is likely to make significant future investments. In the past I’ve touched on where AR and VR is likely to play out in consumer as well as in enterprise and vertical tech, and in particular I have been interested in the overall impact on our society that this technology is likely to make — good or bad. I don’t know for certain that Apple is going to go…

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Windows 10 subscriptions aren’t happening. Here’s why

One of the most persistent questions I hear about Windows 10 involves what happens when the free upgrade offer ends. Is Microsoft going to start charging subscription fees? After a close look at the company’s financials, I’m convinced the answer is an emphatic no. We’ve had this advice drummed into our heads for years: If a deal sounds too good to be true, it probably is. That guideline is usually correct, which probably explains why I continue to hear from skeptics convinced that Microsoft’s free Windows 10 offer is a…

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Big data’s big problem? Most companies don’t realize they’re already using it

Companies are already actively using big data. They just don’t call it that. While the phrase has problems, the technology is becoming more intrinsic to business. It turns out that no one knows what the heck big data is, and about the same number of companies are actually doing anything meaningful with it, according to a new study from Dresner Advisory Services. Surprised? You shouldn’t be. After all, despite years of big data prognostication, most companies still struggle to even put little data to use. This isn’t to suggest that…

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MIT’s Eyeriss GPU Could Transform IoT, AI

MIT researchers have developed a GPU called Eyeriss that could enable algorithms to run locally and instantly, instead of sending raw data into the cloud. This means that a future version of Siri could get you answers much faster. Ask Apple’s Siri, “What does the fox say?” and there’s a notable pause. It’s not because Siri, too, is stumped by the question, but because your speech is raced off to Apple servers in the cloud, where its meaning is analyzed by a collection of processors — known as a “neural network,”…

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Microsoft to Compete Head-To-Head with Traditional UC&C Vendors in EMEA, Says IDC 

According to a recent study by International Data Corporation (IDC), Microsoft has tripled its market share between 1Q 2011 and 2Q 2015 in the Europe, Middle East, and Africa (EMEA) IP PBX and unified communications (UC) platform market and become a head-to-head competitor to the vendors that have traditionally dominated this market. “This is a result of a strategy tuned to the transformations underway in the unified communications and collaboration (UC&C) market. All other vendors and service providers should regard Microsoft’s rise as a call to action,” says Program Manager…

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Size Doesn’t Matter in Cybersecurity

Has the landscape of small business security improved over the last few years? This is the question I’m asking myself as we roll into 2016. As a former IT administrator for my friend’s small drafting company, which involved a wide breadth of IT related tasks from managing their five desktop computers to securing their network firewall, I’ve witnessed first-hand the types of IT challenges a typical small business faces on a daily basis. A common phrase echoed by politicians and economists is, ‘Small business is the backbone of the economy.’…

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