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What is Driving Business Intelligence and Analytics in 2015?

With the Gartner Business Intelligence & Analytics Summit kicking off in Las Vegas, March 30 – April 1, we asked Kurt Schlegel, research vice president at Gartner and conference chair, to share his views on the outlook for the business intelligence (BI) market and the key trends that will be discussed at the Summit this year. Q: What are the key areas in BI that CIOs should focus on in 2015 and why? A: Putting the right team together. CIOs need to make sure there is a cross functional team of technical and…

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Encrypted video traffic now optimized by Opera

Rocket Optimizer adds encrypted video optimization to enhance quality of experience for mobile operators’ customers. Oslo, Norway – February 25, 2015 – The recent emergence of encrypted video traffic can now be tamed, thanks to a breakthrough by Opera’s Rocket Optimizer mobile video optimization solution, Opera Software announced today. Encrypted video, also known as HTTPS video, has been increasing in share of the overall global video traffic sent over mobile operator networks over the past year, including video from globally popular content providers. Because of its protected nature, this video content previously could…

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How Wi-Fi is Changing the Way We Work

Connected devices are changing the workplace. Organizations must adapt to support the evolution of mobility. The explosive growth of connected mobile devices is in no way slowing down, and neither are the network speeds users will demand to support these devices. In recent years, the conversation around mobility and the workplace has revolved around the influx of smartphones and tablets and an organization’s ability to support employee-owned devices to enable a new way of working. However, with the new wave of high-speed mobile devices coming quickly online and into workplaces, a new…

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A new Google-powered website lets you compare every constitution in the world and write your own

In an ornate hall in the Philadelphia State House in 1787, a few dozen men drafted the US constitution. For four months, they debated and revised the document until they had something they could generally agree on. Today, they wouldn’t even have to leave their homes. A new site could let any diplomats-to-be work on drafting a new constitution in real time over the web. Constitute is a repository of all the world’s constitutions, run by the Comparative Constitutions Project, and funded by Google Ideas and the Indigo Trust—a British…

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How Mobility Transforms Enterprise Productivity

By now, nearly every CIO must appreciate how mobility and bring your own device adoption is ultimately good for their organizations, especially when it comes to increased employee productivity. For starters, employees in the field complete mission-critical tasks in real-time; they no longer gather information in one place, and then return to an office to transcribe what they learned on the road. Because workers are constantly connected, they’re always able to communicate, and are more likely to keep working even during off-hours. (Of course, this can be a good and a bad…

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Redefine The Way You Do Business

We’re all consumers in one way or another. So how can we redefine the way we do business?  It’s all about mobile: self-service, information on-the-go and the convenience to access information where and when we need it. Mobile has changed expectations of consumers today. So what do consumers expect today in terms of mobile?  They expect real-time responses and want to quickly remove bottlenecks to provide accurate and fast service capturing information at the point where it originates, and to deliver this information to enterprise applications for processing to accelerate…

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Women in Digital Business

Numerous studies have shown that mixed gender teams are more creative, effective and competitive. And yet, overall the IT sector remains a male-dominated domain.  In a world where even at Google only a fifth of the management positions are held by a woman, the Women’s IT Network believes that there is a definite need for action. WIN brings together women who hold positions of responsibility in digital business to encourage everyone who wants to be a part of the action at the top. After all, the IT sector itself is desperately…

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Private cloud? Public cloud? Rackspace erases the difference

Rackspace is going to stop distinguishing between the money it makes from public cloud and what it derives from “dedicated” cloud, a category that encompasses a bunch of options. Rackspace President Taylor Rhodes                                                         Credit: Rackspace Well that’s one way to sidestep the whole “is private cloud dead?” debate. The move may show a fanatical obsession on managed cloud or indicate that Rackspace is giving up on public cloud where leader, Amazon Web…

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Hunting Desert Falcons

Kaspersky Lab’s Global Research and Analysis Team has discovered Desert Falcons – a cyber espionage group targeting multiple high profile organizations and individuals from Middle East countries. Kaspersky Lab experts consider this actor to be the first known Arabic group of cyber mercenaries to develop and run full-scale cyber-espionage operations. The campaign has been active for at least two years. The Desert Falcons started developing and building their operation in 2011, with their main campaign and real infection beginning in 2013. The peak of their activity was registered at the beginning of…

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Western European Mobile Phone Market Shows Clear Signs of Saturation as Total Shipments Decline Again in 2014, but Smartphones Hit a Record High, says IDC

The Western European mobile phone market failed to grow in 2014 for the second consecutive year, according to International Data Corporation (IDC). Total shipments declined 5.2% year-on-year to 174.1 million units, according to IDC’s European Mobile Phone Tracker, published in February 2015. LONDON, February 17, 2013 —The feature phone segment continues in free fall, with shipments down 39% year-on-year to 28.4 million units and a total value of $USD1.4 billion. This is now a niche segment representing only 16% of total units shipped in the year and 2.2% of the total…

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