
Google Flu Trends may have failed but computers show travel helps Ebola spread

It’s hard to say for sure whether the Ebola epidemic in West Africa will spill over into other parts of the world. But computer modeling can predict a lot – for example, which cities are most at risk. Modern travel has no doubt made it easier for diseases to spread – and spread farther. This is nothing new in that diseases have always traveled with us, even back in the day when our best modes of transport were our feet, or a horse and cart. Over the ages, various forms…

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Telecoms – where will the money come from?

With the arrival of mobile saturation stagnation is occurring in telecoms revenue growth in most developed telecoms markets. Voice traffic is increasingly moving onto IP-based systems, which are either free or at very low cost to its users. This is taking place on both the fixed and mobile networks. While in the case of corporate and government organisations nearly all fixed voice traffic has moved to IP-based systems, in the SME and consumer market this has not been the case. In that market long-distance calls are being partly moved to…

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Majority expects privacy to erode in years ahead

According to EMC’s Privacy Index, privacy isn’t dead, but consumers around the world are expecting it to erode over time. Eighty-one percent of consumers say they expect privacy to erode over the next five years, according to a study from EMC. EMC’s Privacy Index ranked countries by privacy and examined how much consumers are willing to give up for convenience. The report covered 15 countries and 15,000 consumers. The data is interesting given the Edward Snowden leaks and revelations about government snooping into social media, email accounts and instant messaging…

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One in Five Manufacturing Businesses Has Lost Intellectual Property within the Past Year

A survey of nearly 4,000 IT managers across 27 countries, conducted by Kaspersky Lab in partnership with B2B International, found that 21% of manufacturers suffered a loss of intellectual property to security breaches within the past year. Malware was the most common cause of data loss incidents for manufactures, although other types of cyber-incidents – including software vulnerabilities, theft of mobile devices, network intrusion, etc. – were also cited as sources of intellectual property leakage. In a highly competitive global economy, businesses rise to leadership or sink into bankruptcy on…

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Should Your CRM System Live in the Cloud?

Reports show that 40 percent of customer relationship management (CRM) systems are Software as a Service (SaaS) based solutions. This means four out of ten installations are cloud-based as opposed to on-premises CRM solutions, and that trend is growing. Companies that opt for cloud solutions for their CRM needs do so for a number of reasons, including: Scalability. Cloud-based solutions allow companies to scale based on their needs and growth. Reduced Costs. Turning to the cloud eliminates the need to purchase and upgrade the infrastructure required for on-premises solutions. It also reduces the need to hire…

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Twitter Analytics Now Available To Everyone

All Twitter users can access a detailed report on their followers and individual tweets, including impressions, clicks, and engagement. Here’s what you need to know. Image: Twitter just made it easier for you to gauge how well your tweets resonate with your followers. Ian Chan, front-end engineer at Twitter,announced yesterday in a tweet that all users now have access to its analytics platform, which launched in July but was open only to advertisers and verified accounts. The analytics provide details on your tweets’ engagement, clicks, retweets, favorites, replies, and more. To…

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Samsung Expands Smart Home Portfolio

Innovative new products and services make the Smart Home a reality Samsung Electronics announced the expansion of its Smart Home portfolio at IFA 2014. The new range of services and products are designed to increase home safety, improve energy management, adapt to in-home location, and operate by voice command, demonstrating Samsung’s commitment to making the Smart Home of the future a reality today. “We are excited to deliver a Smart Home experience which will make our customers’ lives easier, with innovative products that help everyone’s day to day routine, such as managing…

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Ericsson trials LTE Broadcast in Poland

Ericsson and Polkomtel have successfully carried out the first test of LTE Broadcast technology in Poland. Taking place on August 30, it streaming the opening game of the 2014 World Volleyball Championship between Poland and Serbia to 300 selected guests and journalists at Warsaw’s National Stadium. According to Ericsson, the test group was provided with 300 LTE Broadcast-enabled mobile devices with a pre-configured application to watch live streaming of the game. The whole event lasted for about four hours and the trial was well received by the test group, with…

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C4B celebrates anniversary: 15 years of communications know-how

In the beginning was the telephone: when the Munich start-up C4B Com For Business entered the market with its CTI tool XPhone™ in 1999, telephony integration was still in its infancy. Since then the demands on an innovative communications solution have grown year after year: from groupware integration through the connection of fax, voicemail and SMS to presence management, collaboration and mobile clients. The next step? Seamless integration: IT and communications are one. Munich, 29 August 2014 – Dissatisfaction as a driver of innovation: when five employees at solution provider…

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What’s Next for Small Business CRM?

Software Advice conducted an online survey of 304 customer relationship management (CRM) software users representing businesses across a range of industries and sizes in order to determine how satisfied they are with their current CRM solution, what areas of CRM technology they plan to invest in and what they feel are the greatest benefits and difficulties of implementing their system.   Photo:Todd West Media In this online survey of CRM software users, Software Advice found that small businesses were the most likely to be satisfied with their current CRM system. According to CRM…

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