New Dell Precision Tower and Rack Workstations

Updated with Intel’s latest Xeon processors, DDR4memory, next-generation graphics technology from NVIDIA and AMD, and doubling the amount of memory from the previous generation[1], these powerful, scalable systems are optimized and independent software vendor (ISV) certified to run the most demanding applications. In addition, Dell is releasing a new version of the Dell Precision Optimizer v2.0[2], which automatically configures workstation settings to maximize application performance.     “From powering the designs of a leading surfboard maker to enabling the complex visual effects created by Academy Award-winning studio Framestore, , Dell Precision customers…

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Going Vertical with CRM

According to Gartner’s latest market share report, the customer relationship management (CRM) market is worth just around $20 billion and continues to grow at double-digit rates. Part of that growth has been fueled by the expansion of cloud-based platforms and new solutions tailored for distinct industry application. SAP, one of the world leaders in enterprise software, has just launched three new industry-specific versions of their customer engagement solutions. SAP’s new versions are designed for customers in the vertical markets of insurance, utilities, and retail, and all of them are part…

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Why Is Software So Hard To Develop?

Software is hard to develop for many reasons: We must figure out what to do, do it, and ensure that we have done it correctly. Last week, I said that I was going to discuss invariants. I’ve decided to put this topic off for a while because when I started thinking about it, I realized that it was just a small part of a much bigger subject. Invariants are an intellectual tool that we can use to increase our confidence that a program is working as we expect. However, it…

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Brand journalism – Why marketers need it now

Brand journalism? Yes, it’s true; at first glance, this does seem an oxymoron. It would be easy to assume brand journalism is just a fancy euphemism for content marketing, a new ‘buzzword’ designed to remodel old marketing techniques in a seemingly more credible package. But brand journalism is much more. All cynicism aside, brand journalism is not the same as content marketing. Spotting the crucial differences between the two is the first step to understanding what it is and how you can receive work as a brand journalist and how…

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6 Battle-Tested Tips to End Email Overload

It’s a fact. Email is making us slower, less productive and even dumber. The average employee now checks email 36 times an hour, spending a full 13 hours a week reading, deleting, sending and sorting emails. Each time we’re distracted with an email, it takes an average of 16 minutes (yes, 16 minutes) to refocus on the task at hand. But the news gets worse: Workers who check email frequently suffer a 10-point drop in IQ, the equivalent of missing an entire night’s sleep. Our email inboxes, once-upon-a-time the private…

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HP Offers Low-cost Managed Virtual Private Cloud Service for Lighter Enterprise Workloads

PALO ALTO, Calif. — HP today announced HP Helion Managed Virtual Private Cloud (VPC) Lean, a managed infrastructure-as-a-service solution that enables higher-quality service delivery and workload performance at a significantly lower cost. The cloud represents a massive generational shift in enterprise computing, one that is impacting companies around the world. This market is large, and business needs are diverse and wide ranging. HP’s new offering supports lighter workloads for mid-sized and enterprise-level businesses such as application development and test environments and workplace collaboration solutions, while also enabling quick onboarding times…

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Can this startup kill off the supermarket?

Farmigo, a small farm-delivered food service, has an audacious dream: It thinks it can help wipe out the likes of Kroger and Albertsons. Benzi Ronen thinks that the supermarkets’ time is up. And his company is just the thing to speed up its demise. “Our goal is to make the supermarket obsolete from a fresh perspective,” Ronen says. Farmigo, his five-year-old 30-employee startup, sells produce and other products like milk and cheese purchased directly from farmers for 10%-20% less than equivalent grocery store items. He does it by shrinking the…

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The 0-day Vulnerability exploited by Stuxnet still threatens users, Kaspersky Lab study finds

Kaspersky Lab presented its “Windows usage and vulnerabilities” research conducted in the summer of 2014. According to it the CVE-2010-2568 vulnerability was discovered back in 2010 at the same time as the notorious Stuxnet worm. Even today malware program exploiting this vulnerability remains widespread and poses a threat to users: 19,000,000 users encountered it in an eight-month timeframe from November 2013 to June 2014. CVE-2010-2568 is a shortcut handling error in Windows, allowing attackers to load an arbitrary DLL without the user’s knowledge. This vulnerability affects Windows XP, Vista and…

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Consumers want to stream content to their TVs

Consumers’desire to stream video content on TV screens will drive content device purchases, Council For Research Excellence studies suggest. The most important determining factor among consumers in purchasing a new TV or video device is the ability for it to connect to the internet and stream content, a just-released study has found. Smart TVs were selected by the majority of households participating in the qualitative study, an acceleration ethnography designed to help determine consumers’ likely future video-device purchases, conducted for the Council for Research Excellence (CRE) by GfK. The acceleration…

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Who’s Watching Your ERP Solution?

Storing enterprise resource management (ERP) data in the cloud can raise some serious questions about security. Decision makers have to look at each vendor to see how it protects data from the myriad of threats that try to access confidential information. They ask questions about what type of firewalls and intrusion prevention or detection technologies are used, they make inquiries regarding testing for common vulnerabilities, and they might even discuss the security of the physical location. But it is also important to talk about who, from the cloud vendor’s side,…

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