How much disruptive innovation does your flash storage rig really need?

Our technology world is fascinated by disruptive innovation. Every tech startup says its new technology is disruptive and therefore it is bound to succeed. So it is with all-flash arrays which can answer data requests in microseconds, instead of the milliseconds needed by disk drive arrays. Startups such as Pure Storage, SolidFire and Violin say they have best-of-breed products in the networked storage array category because they are all-flash with software designed from the ground up to control their arrays. They provide flash speed at roughly the cost of the…

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Russian gov to dump x86, bake own 64-bit ARM chips – reports

ARM advocates and NSA back-door paranoids rejoice! Russia building ‘Baikal processor’ to replace AMD and Intel chips Russian news outlet Kommersant has reported that the nation’s government wants to ditch Intel and AMD processors in favour of a locally-developed ARM effort. The outlet’s report suggests three state-owned Russian companies are banding together to develop to be called “Baikal” that will use ARM’s 64-bit kernel Cortex A-57 as its base design, offer at least eight cores, be built with a 28nm process and run at 2GHz or more in PCs or servers.…

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3 Tips for Evolving BSS/OSS Operations for the 3rd Platform

We are at the very beginning stages of a new era of dramatic improvement in the way communications services providers (CSPs) are using information technology to support creation and delivery of services.  The first wave of step-function improvement (or first platform) started in the late 1960’s as the mainframe infrastructure was used to replace paper records for maintaining customer and network information. The next dramatic phase occurred with the emergence of the second platform: the client-server architecture in the 1980’s and 1990’s which ushered in the networked computing infrastructure world…

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Search, done. Ads, done. What next for Google? Domain registration

What? This surprises you? Google is poised to further its dominance of all things internet with a move into domain-name registration. Plenty of people find companies online by typing their names into Google Search, rather than typing their URLs into their browsers, but the launch of Google Domainswill mark the first time the online ad-slinger has dealt with DNS directly. So far, Google has done nothing to publicize the effort and the site itself is marked as an “invite-only beta”. You can’t even sign up unless you have a special code. Over…

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What’s New in Mobile Marketing 2014

Mobile marketing put on an exceptional show in 2013 and experienced a growth of 75%. With marketing gurus predicting that the number of smartphone and tablet users will touch 2 billion in 2014, we are expecting to see some sweeping developments this year too. These days, more and more people are using their mobile devices for local searches, to look up everything from a soup recipe to directions to a car showroom nearby. With this increase in user base, companies are going to have a lot of scope to push…

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Opera Developer version arrives on Linux

Oslo, Norway – June 23, 2014 – Have you been longing for Opera on Linux? The wait is over! Opera Software has today released the Developer version of Opera 24 for Windows, Mac and Linux. If you love trying out new Opera improvements before anyone else, download it from the experimental Developer channel at The Opera desktop browser was re-built from scratch for the Windows and Mac platforms, based on the Blink rendering engine. Opera’s engineers put a lot of effort into fine-tuning the browser and giving it a better performance,…

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Service Providers Need to Develop Different Core Competencies to Succeed in a Digital World

Organizations’ emerging transformation to digital business models is driving the need for greater IT agility to meet changing business strategies and requirements in a highly digitalized world. Traditional sourcing strategies that are either too centralized or not centralized enough, too customized or too industrialized, actually reduce, rather than enhance, agility.  In today’s blog post, Susan Tan, research vice president at Gartner, explains how service providers need different core competencies to succeed in a digital world. Ms. Tan said: Businesses are embracing adaptive sourcing, which addresses shortcomings in existing traditional sourcing…

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Google Play Movies comes to 21 more countries

Google Play Movies is now available in 21 new countries, bringing the total to 90 countries. Google Play Movies is now also available in Albania, Argentina, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Croatia, Czech Republic, Estonia, Greece, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Lao People’s Democratic Republic, Latvia, Lithuania, Moldova, Poland, Slovakia, Tajikistan, Thailand, Turkmenistan and Uzbekistan. For a full list of all 90 countries, see Google support. The list of countries that gets TV shows alongside movies is still only five (US, Canada, UK, Japan and Australia). Google Play Movies can also be accessed on connected TVs…

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18 per cent of SMBs Still Use XP, Face Security Risks, Bitdefender Warns

Almost one in five small and medium businesses worldwide are exposed to major security risks as they are still using Windows XP after Microsoft ended support for the operating system, according to a three-month study by antivirus software provider Bitdefender. The research, conducted in countries such as the US, the UK, Australia, Germany, Spain and Brazil, proved that businesses still rely on the legacy Microsoft OS despite security concerns. Millions of malware attacks target companies every month and hackers try to steal confidential data by taking advantage of the system’s…

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Differences in Public-Cloud Versus Private-Cloud Security

Here are 11 security considerations that IT administrators should weigh as they approach that decision. When planning a cloud deployment, choosing a public-cloud or private-cloud model is one of the most important decisions to be made, especially from a security perspective. IT administrators should weigh 11 considerations as they approach making that decision. How significant are cost savings among the motivations for moving to the cloud? Generally speaking, greater cost savings can be achieved by moving to a public cloud; lesser savings are achieved in a private cloud. IT decision-makers should…

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