Error Messages Are Evil

Error messages punish people for not behaving like machines. It is time we let people behave like people. When a problem arises, we should call it machine error, not human error: the machine was designed wrong, demanding that we conform to its peculiar requirements. It is time to design and build machines that conform to our requirements. Stop confronting us: Collaborate with us. I hate error messages. They are insulting, condescending, and worst of all, completely unnecessary. Evil, nasty little things. They cause us to do unneeded work, and often…

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Enterprise Applications Must Be More Agile in the Digital Age

Applications are changing dramatically due to mobile and cloud pressures. This not only drives the need to change application development practices, but it changes the nature of what is delivered to users. Applications are changing dramatically due to mobile and cloud pressures. This not only drives the need to change application development practices, but it changes the nature of what is delivered to users. Ahead of the Gartner Application Architecture, Development & Integration Summit 2014, May 19-20 in London, David Mitchell Smith, vice president and Gartner Fellow, answered questions that are…

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Augment is giving AR to salespeople so they can show, not just tell

Just visualize your product in this environment. That’s the basic pitch behind an augmented reality app for sales, which helped Paris-based startup Augment raise $1.5 million. “There is not really any other augmented reality platform targeted to sales people,” CEO and founder Jean-Francois Chianetta told VentureBeat. He added that other augmented reality platforms, like Blippar, Aurasma or Wikitude, are “focused on the marketing opportunity” instead of sales. The first target for the company: sales reps selling merchandising displays to retailers, such as the ones from the European division of L’Oréal Professional Products that are using the app. “This…

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Mastercard helps startups accelerate to success with Mastercard Start Path

Company plans to accelerate up to 8 startups in Dublin as part of the first intake; applications accepted through May 16 For startup companies, success is a journey that requires collaboration and innovation. Today, MasterCard is launching MasterCard Start Path, a commitment to help accelerate startups toward long-term success by offering customized support, operational mentorship and the potential to secure pilots with key global players. In Europe, MasterCard is launching a commerce-focused accelerator for innovative early stage European startups with direct involvement from leading partners including ASOS and Capital One, amongst…

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How to Negotiate a Collaborative Outsourcing Deal

IT outsourcing customers say they want more from their service providers. Yet they often use the same old negotiating tactics to set up their outsourcing deals. If you want a more collaborative relationship with IT service providers, it has to start at the negotiating table, says Kate Vitasek, author of “Getting to We: Negotiating Agreements for Highly Collaborative Relationships,” based on research conducted at the University of Tennessee Knoxville. talked to Vitasek about what’s driving the need for more collaborative outsourcing relationships, how traditional negotiating tactics destroy value, and…

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EMC World 2014: Enterprises Must Use Software-Defined IT to Achieve Scale and Results

IT leaders from EMC believe the software-driven transformation of the data center will redefine enterprise IT. Virtualizing server technology was only the beginning. The race to transform the entire data center into a lean, mean, software-defined machine is on. “Fundamental change is needed. A new approach is required,” said VMware CEO Pat Gelsinger during a keynote address at EMC World. The need for a shift in the way IT resources are generated, stored and distributed is part of a much larger trend happening in technology in general. Throughout much of EMC World, experts…

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Executing an Email Campaign? This Should Be Your Primary Goal

Whether you’re writing a prospecting email or executing a lead generation campaign, your goal should be to simply start a conversation—giving contacts only what they need to take a small step forward on the path to purchase. We’ve all done it—sat down at the computer, crafted a prospecting or lead generation email message, and thought to ourselves,“This content is so compelling and rich with insight that there’s no way prospects will ignore it; the response rates are going to be through the roof!” Then, we click “send” and wait for…

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Which Applications Fit for Cloud Migration — and Which Don’t

Knowing how different apps can fit in a cloud environment can help IT leaders make informed decisions. As they consider ways to take advantage of the many benefits of cloud computing, IT managers should consider the suitability of specific types of applications for the cloud. Here are different type of apps and how they may fit in the cloud. Software Development, Testing and Quality Assurance Entities with active internal software development teams can benefit substantially from the cloud. Developers and quality assurance testers often need significant computing capacity for relatively…

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HP Looks to Ease Enterprise IT Cloud Fears

Hewlett-Packard hopes its focus on private clouds — and it’s investment of muscle and money in the technology — can convince enterprise IT executives that it can provide a secure way to enter the fray. Hewlett-Packard hopes its focus on private clouds — and it’s investment of muscle and money in the technology — can convince enterprise IT executives that it can provide a secure way to enter the fray. Three years after it vowed to become a major cloud vendor, HP Wednesday unveiledHelion, a set of products and services…

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How secure is your password?

How to create a safe and easy to remember password It’s World Password Day, so it’s the perfect time to see how secure your password is. Remember, just because a password is hard for you to remember, doesn’t mean that a computer won’t crack it within minutes or hours. If you take away one thing from this article, it should be this: A long, easy to remember password is better than a short, complex password. Let’s illustrate this with a couple of examples. The first from XKCD shows the complicated password “TrØub4dor&3” might appear secure, but…

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